where can i find it??

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Senior Member
Oct 23, 2011
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Hi all, Ok i know that it us illegal to remove the DNO's main fuse - but what is the illegal bit ? Removing the fuse or cutting the seal? I recently spoke to my DNO and they led me on a merry dance and also commented on using a local NIC EIC electrician they can remove our main fuses they told me errggghh ok. Ive not heard that before has anyone else thanks again :D

Ooops add to that where can i find the legislation in pulling the fuse etc ive had a google and come up short ta :p

I'd just pull it & reseal with your own crimps, (**** 'em it your safety that matters)

It is an offence to "interfere" with anything that belongs to the supply company, and you could be prosecuted. There have been numerous threads relating to this and should provide a good read.

This forum does not and will not condone anyone cutting seals or removing the main fuse.

I know the legalities and everybody's official view on this subject and rightly so giving it is an offence and i also do not condone such an act! However i did not ask if you think i should pull the fuse or cut the seal, can any body answer the following questions for me thanks.

1. Is it illegal to cut a DNO seal?

2. Or is it illegal to pull a fuse with no seal attached ?

3. Or is it illegal to just interfere with the DNO'S supply?

4. Where can i find the legislation confirming this ?

I recently spoke with someone who i shall not name that used to work for a DNO he told me that although is may be illegal and that he had sent letters out to that effect, he could not remember one occasion where anybody had been prosecuted for the offence.

I'd just pull it & reseal with your own crimps, (**** 'em it your safety that matters)
Please remember that if "just puling" a fuse carrier that is defective, broken or damaged inside, (a part that you cannot see), it could result in serious injury to any person not wearing the correct safety equipment, gauntlets etc.. As such the forum would never condone or recommend any such actions as the above advice.

Doc H.

I know the legalities and everybody's official view on this subject and rightly so giving it is an offence and i also do not condone such an act! However i did not ask if you think i should pull the fuse or cut the seal, can any body answer the following questions for me thanks.1. Is it illegal to cut a DNO seal?

2. Or is it illegal to pull a fuse with no seal attached ?

3. Or is it illegal to just interfere with the DNO'S supply?

4. Where can i find the legislation confirming this ?

I recently spoke with someone who i shall not name that used to work for a DNO he told me that although is may be illegal and that he had sent letters out to that effect, he could not remember one occasion where anybody had been prosecuted for the offence.
ESQCR (Electrical Safety Quality and Continuity Regulations) 2002. Regulation 24, equipment on a consumers premises is the legal document you need to read. This gives a legal obligation to the supply company to ensure their supplies are suitable for their purpose, installed so as to prevent danger and protected by a suitable fuse situated close to the supply terminals and that it should be sealed or locked. Basically this requires the supply company to fit an appropriate fuse in the live conductor of their supply where it enters the property and for them to ensure the correct fuse rating is fitted and that it cannot be tampered with by any unauthorised personel. Which all means that if you do not have written permission to remove a cut out fuse at a property you are contravening ESQCR 2002 reg 24.

Doc H.

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I always thought the only thing they could charge you with is "criminal damage" for cutting the seal.

It would be interesting if anyone knows of any prosecutions? My guess is that only happens when someone pulls a damaged fuse carrier and something goes wrong big time.

But if there's no seal present........?

Make your own mind up about the condition of the fuse and what to do with it.

But whatever you choose, if you "find" a situation where the main fuse is no longer sealed, then when you have finished your work, report it to the DNO that you have found a non sealed main fuse, and they are obliged to go and re seal it.

Im guessing dave that a long time ago when our country's legal system was stringent some were prosecuted! I'm guessing that for the DNO there is no value in prosecuting, since if you had hurt yourself they would have stated " private property blah blah" you shouldn't have touched it or if you had hurt someone else then the DNO would be third in the Queue to sue you by which time you would not have any money left for them to have.

Unfortunately though from other posts i have read i don't think this rule is likely to change all the time sparks pull the fuse themselves since the DNO's call waiting time is so long they dont have time to wait for the DNO to attend - time is money after all! In the ideal world the seal should be there to keep out the DIYers! Perhaps if the schemes or in fact the DNO offered a half day training and assessment to enable registered sparks to pull it legally and reseal?? Hmm but then the DNO would lose call out money which they will not likely want.

Im guessing dave that a long time ago when our country's legal system was stringent some were prosecuted! I'm guessing that for the DNO there is no value in prosecuting, since if you had hurt yourself they would have stated " private property blah blah" you shouldn't have touched it or if you had hurt someone else then the DNO would be third in the Queue to sue you by which time you would not have any money left for them to have.Unfortunately though from other posts i have read i don't think this rule is likely to change all the time sparks pull the fuse themselves since the DNO's call waiting time is so long they don't have time to wait for the DNO to attend - time is money after all! In the ideal world the seal should be there to keep out the DIYers! Perhaps if the schemes or in fact the DNO offered a half day training and assessment to enable registered sparks to pull it legally and reseal?? Hmm but then the DNO would lose call out money which they will not likely want.
I doubt very much that call out money has any relevance on the considerations at all. It is more a health & safety prosecution issue, but not as you imply of a DNO prosecuting a homeowner. More the other way around, if any unauthorised person was legally allowed to remove a cut out and got seriously injured. I am confident that the injured homeowner or electrician would not wait to start prosecuting a DNO for having a defective cutout at a property. I suspect that the age and variations of cut-outs around the country leave too many unknowns and risks out there, that could cost them serous amounts in the event of negligence or corporate manslaughter charges if someone was killed because they stuck their fingers in a unsealed cut-out fuse.

Doc H.

I know the legalities and everybody's official view on this subject and rightly so giving it is an offence and i also do not condone such an act! However i did not ask if you think i should pull the fuse or cut the seal, can any body answer the following questions for me thanks.1. Is it illegal to cut a DNO seal?yes. illegal to tamper with DNO equipment. and that would be criminal damage

2. Or is it illegal to pull a fuse with no seal attached ? yes.

3. Or is it illegal to just interfere with the DNO'S supply? and equipment

4. Where can i find the legislation confirming this ?probably from DNO

I recently spoke with someone who i shall not name that used to work for a DNO he told me that although is may be illegal and that he had sent letters out to that effect, he could not remember one occasion where anybody had been prosecuted for the offence.
my red

Read the threads , Smiler, theres reams of it!!! Doc Hudson has laid it down and that is the situation.

And it all started when electrics were first installed in houses ( Steptoe told me all this) It was the Electricity Board in those days ( Like MANWEB or where I am the MEB Midlands Electricity Board also known as The Electric Police) It gave them control of the supply . And even today you will hear " Ooo I don't know whether to get a contractor in or have it done properly by the Electricity Board" !!!!!!

The last thing any of them thought of doing was to insert an isolator between the meter and the C/U .

Now they are all private companies , its not economic to keep sending their guys out to pull fuses ( In fact they don't have any guys so have to use Metering Services or a network operative, say EON , who would invoice them .

As we all know its now hopeless trying to get through to anyone who knows what you're talking about.

The talks to allow Competent Persons to isolate and re-seal have come to nothing .

The talks to have an isolator in the new Smart meters has come to nothing .

Why does that not surprise me?? :C

So, read the threads Smiley ;)

It is an offence to "interfere" with anything that belongs to the supply company, and you could be prosecuted. There have been numerous threads relating to this and should provide a good read.This forum does not and will not condone anyone cutting seals or removing the main fuse.
Its not quite that cut & dry.

Each DNO has there own rules as to removal of there fuses, which would normally be stated on there website, I assume the the OP's location is what was once Southern Electricity ?


As I assume the OP is not with a scheme provider he should not cut seals, but would have appeared to have been correctly informed that this DNO premits members of schemes to break seals aslong as the DNO is informed & cut out is stickered

As we all know its now hopeless trying to get through to anyone who knows what you're talking about.
your not wrong there....

for a first time this year, i had to get and get someone to put new tails in meter (commercial place, new meter installed last week, 6mm tails to off peak, seal fairies refused to do the job)

phoned meter plus (who gave them a notice saying tails under sized), they not their problem. phoned supplier, they said phone 'northern power' and gave a phone number. quick check and that number was NEDL (DNO). phoned them, pretty much knowing the response i would get. phoned supplier again (same number as before), 'yes, no problem' and arranged for someone to put the new tails into the meter in the next few days... (new choc'd to old, only supplies a night heater thats not used at the moment. better than having to sit around all day for them to turn up and doing the job then)
