Will This Work? (Urgent)

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Seaman stains™
Supporting Member
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
North Wales Riviera

I've got to make a quick alteration to some 1st fix lighting...

They want 2 x wall lights by the bed with switches either side and another by the door... Each one 2 way switched (individually) but with only 1 switch at the door :eek:

So a quick doodle gives me this...


I just need to bounce it off someone to check if it'll work.


Sorry Noz I'll need PD's specs to read that, better picture? Please

When you say one switch at door is that one 3G?

Would you be using grid switches at bedside? If I'm understanding it correctly you are needing three 3G switches? Are you saying all lights will be two way with intermediate?

Sorry I've over read the OP, two gang switches, with two intermediates at door as grid switch? Or what about taking the supply through the door switch so when off isolates both wall lights, when on the bedside two way switches will operate wall lights?

They only want 1 switch at the door and a switch each side of the bed for each light..

If I've got it right in my 2nd pic then I can use a 2 way switch at the door and 2 lots of (2 way + intermediate) at each bedside with the inputs (from door switch) to the intermediates paralled up and then going through opposite 2 ways to lights..

Pics ok for me;) ... I'll check the permissions

I don't mind the door switch affecting both lights

Forget it guys...

Apparently she wants a 2 gang switch at the door so that'll make things much easier

Now I've just got to find space on the wall for 2 strappers :| not much space left within zones


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You should've said you were working for a woman, I'd of not rushed, they're guaranteed to change their minds at least once it's their prerogative don't you know!!!!
