wiring room thermostat

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Junior Member
Jun 15, 2009
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Im wanting to wire a drayton combi stat to my new boiler but im having trouble getting my head around the correct wiring.

*Ive fitted 3 core and eath as a link from boiler to stat.

*there are 4 terminals on stat N-2-3-L

* the boiler wiring terminals are 1-2-3

* the boiler instructions say- connect room stat between terminals 1 and 3

but also shows a diagram for stat with delay resistor that uses the nuetral from the boilers power supply.

Ive had a good look on the net but no joy.

The boiler is a biasi riva advanced he

The thermostat guide says use a 3 wire system so Im hoping someone will have an answer for me and put me out my misery.

Thanks for any replies


check on the stat, as to which terminal is which ( of 2 / 3, one is "call for heat" & one is "satisfied". You don`t need the "satisfied" connection.

stat "N" to boiler "N" (as shown on your diagram)

Earth - earth (obviously)

terms 1 & 3 of boiler to "L" and "call for heat" on stat ( if possible, whichever is perm. live of terminals 1 / 3 on boiler should go to "L" of stat.

Does that help?



Thanks for the answer.

How do i determine whether 1 or 3 is the permanent live?



the neutral is for the resistor in the stat, it warms the gas in the bellows making the gas react faster to changes in the air tempreture.

I'd love awrite up on this from anyone who has the time and Patience.

A "Dummy's Guide" explaining it all. Maybe then, I will be able to understand it. O)

We could make it a sticky, and I will also put it as a PDF on my website, with a link from our Download Area - And you will be down as the Author, should you wish. :p

Is this Wiring diagram any good to you?

Wiring Diagram is on Page 32.

Connecting (wiring) a Biasi Riva Advance HE Combi Boiler to a Room Thermostat (Both a room Termostat and a Room Thermostat with delay Resistor) Both 230V...

Click here to view the Installation User Manual, Inclusive of Wiring Diagram

It appears that, from Left to right - we have the Perm Live, Switch Live (center) and Earth. (But as KME said - Check them).
