Working from home - utility bills

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

Just been on a business start up course and wanted clarification on the question below.

I was told that if you were working from home (as a self employed spark) then you could offset a % of your utility bills through your tax return. This included gas, electric, water & phone.

Is this because the phone could be used for business, water used to wash work clothes, electric used to run business & gas used to keep warm whilst doing work related stuff?

Does anyone know what % is used or is it upto Inland Revenue.



You can only claim a couple of quid a week for working from home. The inland revenue are not liking people trying to claim even a percentage of their utility bills from home. The only safe amount is

What Lister says is true , if you try overclaiming you will attract their attention, not worth it for a few quid. Best to stay under the radar if you can.

In your first year you could claim for setting up your office, so could claim to set against tax for a desk, computer,printer etc. office chair, stationery, letterheads, regs book, OSG, testers , NAPITT /ELECSA/NIC scams /overalls, tools, steps , ladder, all legit.

Edit; Good point from Prodave, I also claim 100% cellphone costs .


I don't bother, anything solely used for the business gets put through 100%, this is why I try and keep things seperate and have 2 landlines, 2 mobiles etc... Rather than trying to stick a few quid of heating through just chuck a tank of diesel in the car every now and again. ;)

my accountant puts a bit towards 'use of home as office' not sure hom much though, i thinks is so much a week.

dont go mad as it has been know for them to say ok your house is now a business premises.

I claim 100% of mobile phone bills, internet, garage and electric for the garage. I also claim
