Dave Williams
New member
Hi all,
I have a rental flat with two consumer units as it has eco 7 for storage heaters, etc. The main CU was upgraded in March 2021. The EIC for this states: "Off peak consumer unit has no RCD protection which met the regulations at time of installation and would be classed as a C3 on an EICR which is satisfactory". All circuits were tested.
Can I expect this to still be the case when it is inspected for the EIRC when it is next due, (5 yrs was recommended on the EIC), or has anything changed in the regs to require this to be upgraded?
I have a rental flat with two consumer units as it has eco 7 for storage heaters, etc. The main CU was upgraded in March 2021. The EIC for this states: "Off peak consumer unit has no RCD protection which met the regulations at time of installation and would be classed as a C3 on an EICR which is satisfactory". All circuits were tested.
Can I expect this to still be the case when it is inspected for the EIRC when it is next due, (5 yrs was recommended on the EIC), or has anything changed in the regs to require this to be upgraded?