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  1. T

    2 Way Contactor Switch

    Hello all i have never done this before or even seen it down here.  Any one ever installed a 2 way switch that controls 1 contactor? I assume this would be wired as a normal switch i.e. switching a light but in this case the pad would be the contactor ??
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    Moving A Consumer Unit

    Just be prepared for some firm advice.
  3. T

    Sec Alarms

    Hello. What panels are best to use for phone enablement ie contacts police or owner? Cheers
  4. T

    Em Lighting Used As Lights

    whats the best way of installing a em light that can be switched for general use lighting?  Maintained or sustained?? Substained has 2 lamps one for em use and one for mains 230V to be used as switching, we have used these before, Any of you used maintained em fittings for the same use?
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    Em Lighting Used As Lights

    Not for constant use hahahaha. that made me laugh,  anyone sustained em lights before?
  6. T

    Em Lighting Used As Lights

    don't use acre fix they are rubbish and never have anything. Our wholesaler has some for just around 100 pounds, 
  7. T

    Em Lighting Used As Lights

    Hello all i require a LED 2D fittings that can be used as general lighting and be used as an emergency light, Any of you know any good makes that are under 80 pounds?  
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    3Phase Machine 1 Mcb

    Hi all, now I know this is not the correct way to install this but bare with me. One 3 phase 20amp machine has been installed Been asked to install another, one problem... Needs a larger db to fit the new 20amp machine but they need it working tomorrow. For short term use do u think I could...
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    Underfloor Heating Probe

    resistance was tested and all ok. we put the matt down and told the flooered to lay the probe next to the mat but insted it was left out and poking up the skirting 
  10. T

    Underfloor Heating Probe

    Yes i know they are meant to go in with the matt. but flooeres left it out... Very expensive tiles and customer does not want any taken up  will the matt continue to get hot even tho on a low setting?  
  11. T

    First Havells Dist. Board Today.

    fitted 12 way DB last week 2X RCBO scews didnt screw up on bus bar n then on the N out i was fumming 
  12. T

    Underfloor Heating Probe

    Hello,  Not really installed domestic underfloor heating but we have just installed a 2x2m mat in a bathroom.  The floor has been screded but they didnt put the probe in the mat.  still works fine and gets hot but will the stat continue to get hot even though on a low setting as the probe can...
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    Things I Like.

    When a customer has a hot daughter (over 18 years old) 
  14. T


    Hello,  Do any of you wonderful people have a exel sheet with materials on it. i am not very good with computers and cant work out how to do it  For example  CABLE TYPE         UNIT (m) 1.00mm T&E            100  ?????
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    Commercial Electrical Testing

    All documents have been supplied i have all circuit design including  total loads for each circuit & total load per BD 
  16. T

    Commercial Electrical Testing

    nor do i> this is what i have been asked to quote for. No one seems to of answered my original question as of yet??  Do you need to be registered with a scam to carry out testing in a commercial premises?? As far as i am aware nothing has been powered up, waiting for dead test results witch...
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    Commercial Electrical Testing

    sooooo. what do u think??? 
  18. T

    Commercial Electrical Testing

    No, we will be singing it off... just need other tester to test as its quite a lot ...... 16 BDs  As they are not on our books do they need to be resisted with a scam to carry out the testing ? yes they do steve 
  19. T

    Commercial Electrical Testing

    Ye i understand that. Any way could i sub this work to electricians who are not registered with a scam but have relevant testing qualifications ?