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I wasnt offended, your well mistaken, i have better things to do - and KME's not delusional by any meansAt 23 you may want to wind your neck in a little

Steps: Your right a whipper snapper

Anyway i have said my piece so ill leave it there, in future its Mr Canoe to you :slap
oh I do appologise mrs canoe. I'll wind my neck in as I'm in the presence of the village elder.
Electricalserv, I know exactly where you are coming from, any electrician should be proud of their qualifications, they worked very hard to achieve them. However I would like to put this into a different context, and is relevant to all trades.

My father was a truck driver, and was very proud of the fact that he actually did 50 years as a driver. Strangely he never actually did a HGV test, because he automatically got the licence via grandfather rights. I have seen him compete for work against much younger (more qualified) and got the job. Why? simply because his experience can not, and will never be, taught in any classroom.

It is exactly the same with electrical work, having the 2391 at a young age will not make me think you are capable, it would not make me think you are competent, in fact at your age I would question if you even had the experience to fulfil the requirements of the regulations, ie, be fully conversant with and familiar with the type of installation under test. (Or words to that effect).

Learning is always ongoing, and we all learn something new everyday, when we decide we have nothing left to learn, then thats the time to bow out , and do something different.

lets cover a few things

"and I wouldn't employ you to do such a job"

your'e qoute, what makes you think you can employ anyone, because from what I have seen nobody would want to work for you.

I haven't once said I believe myself to be competent across the board. I know I still have things to learn. I never did a proper apprentiship. I have however been involved in the industry for 6 and a half years. I've been a trainee, mate, electrician, team leader. My voice on this thread was having the 2391 goes a long way of proving your competence in inspection & testing than not having it!

Im pretty sure you said having a 2391 deemed you competent , it does NOT

being in the trade 6 and 1/2 years does NOT deem you competent

having some other exams with numbers does NOT make you competent either,

NONE of the above makes you competent in any shape or form,

reading the definitions of a 'competent person' in 7671 (page 22) or EAWR (reg 16) would go a long way to you starting on your journey to becoming one though,

but, another thing that is almost as good in this trade, and something you will also need before you will ever become a 'competent person' , is something you cannot sit or pass, but you will need to gain it from your peers in order to become competent,

its a long lost forgotten thing called 'respect'.

BTW, serv, quite a few members on here have been doing this for longer than you have been on the planet, and some have even forgotten more than you may ever learn,

you need to first give some of those guys some respect before you will see any in return.


---------- Post Auto-Merged at 21:53 ---------- Previous post was made at 21:49 ----------

what makes you think you can employ anyone, because from what I have seen nobody would want to work for you.
I would, have you seen his prices!!!!!!

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 21:54 ---------- Previous post was made at 21:53 ----------

I haven't once said I believe myself to be competent across the board. I know I still have things to learn. I never did a proper apprentiship. I have however been involved in the industry for 6 and a half years. I've been a trainee, mate, electrician, team leader. My voice on this thread was having the 2391 goes a long way of proving your competence in inspection & testing than not having it!
so your a 5WFW

says it all really......


ill scan it and email it to you if you like ?Would you like anything else ? My shoe size ? CV ?
can you e.mail it to me too please canoeboy,

as a word doc if you can, then I can change your name to mine and I'll have one too, :D

Just found out today that I passed my 2391-10 exam. It seemed like an eternity in getting the result for the written part. It was good doing the practical part as you knew on the day, but that's all over with now til something else comes along. GuinnessGuinnessGuinness
This is the OP, and I along with others congratulate Megaohm7 on his achievement. If this thread is going places to detract from the OP I may have to close this thread. Another thread could be started to discuss the recent posts!!


NO,Im pretty sure you said having a 2391 deemed you competent , it does NOT

being in the trade 6 and 1/2 years does NOT deem you competent

having some other exams with numbers does NOT make you competent either,

NONE of the above makes you competent in any shape or form,

reading the definitions of a 'competent person' in 7671 (page 22) or EAWR (reg 16) would go a long way to you starting on your journey to becoming one though,

but, another thing that is almost as good in this trade, and something you will also need before you will ever become a 'competent person' , is something you cannot sit or pass, but you will need to gain it from your peers in order to become competent,

its a long lost forgotten thing called 'respect'.

BTW, serv, quite a few members on here have been doing this for longer than you have been on the planet, and some have even forgotten more than you may ever learn,

you need to first give some of those guys some respect before you will see any in return.


---------- Post Auto-Merged at 21:53 ---------- Previous post was made at 21:49 ----------

I would, have you seen his prices!!!!!!

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 21:54 ---------- Previous post was made at 21:53 ----------

so your a 5WFW

says it all really......

Lol a five week wonder who's been around for 6 & 1/2 years. Spent 3 years doing the 2330 and nearly a year doing the 17th & 2391. You're having a laugh mate. A competent person is one with relevant qualification and experience. I don't need to look in any book to know that. Competence is different for each people. It does come with age but some learn quicker than others. That nobody can deny. As for prices if anyone here does get 150ph take me on I'll work for a 100 an hour. What a load of bravado rubbish

With what is printed on my JIB card, I can book an hotel, charter a flight and get cash back!

Ok, I wou;d just like to say thanks to everyone that takes time out to respond on this forum.

I dnt care if it a raw beginer or an expriecend pro.

You all know who you are.

What I have always liked is the fact the forum is here for everyone,(including vets)

I know sometimes it gets heated, and so it should

some things need to talkked about

I have learnt a lot from you all and hope to continue to

However I am well ****** of by people that come on and think they know it all without offering anything/mer goes to bed now after the rant

Lol a five week wonder who's been around for 6 & 1/2 years. Spent 3 years doing the 2330 and nearly a year doing the 17th & 2391. You're having a laugh mate. A competent person is one with relevant qualification and experience. I don't need to look in any book to know that. Competence is different for each people. It does come with age but some learn quicker than others. That nobody can deny. As for prices if anyone here does get 150ph take me on I'll work for a 100 an hour. What a load of bravado rubbish
3 years, - thats a fast track, you already admitted you didnt serve your time anyway

age has NOTHING to do with competency, its experience,

I know 50year old sparks, 35years experience, but are totally incompetent if you put them in industrial, or vice versa in domestic for industrial sparks.

where have you got the definition of competent stating age has anything to do with it?

I assume you do own a copy of 7671 & EAWR and are capable of reading them? if so I suggest you start today,

OK guys as much fun this is, the OP is being hijacked, if you feel that a new thread should be started, or even a poll then please do, but for now this thread is now closed

Congratulations Megaohm on your achievement. I :Salute you sir. :Applaud


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