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Megafar enuff

but having 2391 doesnt make you competent straight away....
No mate it is the experience of being on the tools

I have 8 years experience in electrics elec, started in 1998 though. That doesn't mean that I spout on here that I am better than anyone else, I am not and never will be, I certainly don't ask for their qualifications. Part of the mantra of this forum is its diverse talents and knowledge that its members bring here of their free will and time, an attribute you may do well to remember.


I now know for a fact you don't have the 2391..

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 19:49 ---------- Previous post was made at 19:48 ----------

But if you where the last person who signed a document for that installation it would be you in the dock unfortunately. 2391-10 or not a proved Inspector
firstly he doesnt need it

as for last person who signed a cert being responsible for the installation

your joking right ???????

you might be the first port of call in an investigation but thats all

A guy signs a MOT to say your car has passed

6 months later you get stopped by the police they dont go running to the MOT man......

I would happily stand up in court and argue my case

insurance companies want a PIR done on a property before giving insurance

wait until the house burns down 8 months later who do they go to ???????

sparks would say it was safe when i issued the cert ..............while he walks out the court room !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You seem to be struggling with the regs when hardly any have changed in regards to domestic commercial and industrial with the new ammendment!
I'm not struggling with the regs as you suggest as I too have the 17th ed and 2391-10. I'm never shy to ask a question as that is the way you do learn. I have been around a good few years now and even I know that you will never stop learning.

I have a mate in the trade that done his apprenticeship in the late 1960's. A very good electrician in all fields but struggles with the regs. You see He's dyslexic!!


I suppose we`d better wind our heads in - Im beginning to think that only one member of the whole wide forum has successfully passed the 2391 (shame he couldn`t pass spelling at school; but we won`t go there.......) - all the rest of us must have failed. :slap Wet Fish

OY! Electricserv, or whatever you call yourself. If you were to have access to every members` technical qualifications; I think you`d find yourself quite a way down the list - not on the top of it, as you seem to think! Similarly with experience - many of us will have been wiring properties while you were still in nappies - so I`d get off your soapbox a bit, and try listening to other points of view.

That is all I am saying, else I`ll be getting in trouble.

You seem to be struggling with the regs when hardly any have changed in regards to domestic commercial and industrial with the new ammendment!
I now know for a fact you don't have the 2391.How about giving me your NAPIT membership number and il find out what quals you have. You can have my number and ask for mine. That way we both know we aint 5dw's or control panel builders.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 19:49 ---------- Previous post was made at 19:48 ----------

But if you where the last person who signed a document for that installation it would be you in the dock unfortunately. 2391-10 or not a proved Inspector
mr serv

mr smith finds your belligerent attitude to be


to the forums friendly persona

mr smith is providing a


warning regarding the attitude of your posts

i know you will understand

as you are obviously intelligent


mr smith

Just found out today that I passed my 2391-10 exam. It seemed like an eternity in getting the result for the written part. It was good doing the practical part as you knew on the day, but that's all over with now til something else comes along. GuinnessGuinnessGuinness
Well done mate. I think that will be my next exam on the to-do list, once I do my 2330 L3 practical. Is it similar?

I corrected your spelling KME :slap Perhaps thats his problem, the soapbox ! He needs to stand on one cos he's short ?!

Who knows, Has anyone filled the fridge yet cos my wine bottles empty ?
You corrected an already corrected error; and stuffed up the syntax in the process - wallaby :slap :Chair fall:worship

Short? short of what, exactly????? a couple of grey cells?

Can`t help with the wine...... ( GuinnessGuinness)


No mate its a different ball game, a lot of three phase stuff iirc.AndyGuinness
Hopefully I won't find it too bad then as I have a bit 3 phase experience (though not testing)

Cheers Guinness

I've told you lot what I have. Level2 2330, level3 2330, 17th Edition & 2391-10. 6 & half years in the trade,
then you are NOT competent,

not by your own definition anyways,

almost any place/country I have worked deems competency to have occurred via quals, hands on knowledge of the specific area of work, and 10, yes, 10 years post apprenticeship experience.

your 6&1/2 leaves you about 8&1/2 years short, if we can believe you served a proper apprenticeship of 5 years!

Boys:I suppose we`d better wind our heads in - Im beginning to think that only one member of the whole wide forum has successfully passed the 2391 (shame he couldn`t pass spelling at school; but we won`t go there.......) - all the rest of us must have failed. :slap Wet Fish

OY! Electricserv, or whatever you call yourself. If you were to have access to every members` technical qualifications; I think you`d find yourself quite a way down the list - not on the top of it, as you seem to think! Similarly with experience - many of us will have been wiring properties while you were still in nappies - so I`d get off your soapbox a bit, and try listening to other points of view.

That is all I am saying, else I`ll be getting in trouble.
What a delusional post, looking for a rise. Not once have I said I'm the only one pass the 2391. What I have said is that in my personal opinion if you don't have the 2391 qualification then you aren't a proven competent inspector and tester and I wouldn't employ you to do such a job without that certificate! Nor do I think I am the most qualified. Lol I'm 23 years of age ffs. I have taken the correct route though and I'm looking to gain as many qualifications as I can to enhance my competence. That being nvq3 and the 2391-20 design course. Wether people have been wiring houses since I was in nappies is irrelivent. No testing qual, no proven competency in that area. The only reason I can see people disagreeing with this is because they don't have it. I am immensly proud to have it under my belt because its a very hard and notorious qual, so those who mock it are very misguided. It has a 60% failure rate across the country. Canoeboy was offended because I asked him what quals he has, instead of telling me he decided to give me the cold shoulder.


NO matter what quals you have,

you would find it nigh on impossible to prove your competency in any court of law in the land,

you do NOT have enough experience to be deemed competent,

at 23 years old there is absolutely no possible way round this,

have you actually read the definition of a 'competent' person in either the 7671(which isnt LAW)

or EAWR (which is statutory legislation) . ?

it certainly doesnt seem like you understand the term competent as regards our profession.

What a delusional post, looking for a rise. Not once have I said I'm the only one pass the 2391. What I have said is that in my personal opinion if you don't have the 2391 qualification then you aren't a proven competent inspector and tester and I wouldn't employ you to do such a job without that certificate! Nor do I think I am the most qualified. Lol I'm 23 years of age ffs. I have taken the correct route though and I'm looking to gain as many qualifications as I can to enhance my competence. That being nvq3 and the 2391-20 design course. Wether people have been wiring houses since I was in nappies is irrelivent. No testing qual, no proven competency in that area. The only reason I can see people disagreeing with this is because they don't have it. I am immensly proud to have it under my belt because its a very hard and notorious qual, so those who mock it are very misguided. It has a 60% failure rate across the country. Canoeboy was offended because I asked him what quals he has, instead of telling me he decided to give me the cold shoulder.
you probably couldnt afford any of us anyway.

Why should anyone justify themselves to you or anyone else for that matter?

We are all judged on this forum by the questions we ask, the advice we give and the way we present ourselves.

Qualifications or no qualifications, Canoeboy is a very well respected member here,, we also have a vet and others he who are well versed in electrics and their views are also respected.

You on the other hand are not making a very good first impression (red blocks say a lot!)

then you are NOT competent,not by your own definition anyways,

almost any place/country I have worked deems competency to have occurred via quals, hands on knowledge of the specific area of work, and 10, yes, 10 years post apprenticeship experience.

your 6&1/2 leaves you about 8&1/2 years short, if we can believe you served a proper apprenticeship of 5 years!
I haven't once said I believe myself to be competent across the board. I know I still have things to learn. I never did a proper apprentiship. I have however been involved in the industry for 6 and a half years. I've been a trainee, mate, electrician, team leader. My voice on this thread was having the 2391 goes a long way of proving your competence in inspection & testing than not having it!

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