A Dichotomy Worth Discussion

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This takes me back to when NOT bonding a metal sinktop was a hanging offence .....for an electrician .....but not for a plumber who removes a ceramic sink & fits a metal one .

It would only get bonded if there was a Sparks on the job .......it would then be the most important thing in the world and you couldn't leave the premises without bonding it  .....................................however NO Sparks onsite   Oh well it doesn't matter !! 

Hmmmm.... We all know where it should be bonded, but the only observation i would make, is that according to to the regs, unless a termination is "permanent" [cannot remember if this is the term they use] like, say, crimped, then it has to be accessable. Does not this in itself preclude fitting an earth bond in a boxed off partition????


Canoeboy said:
Any other takers ?

Forget the convenient ( we are talking its convenient here )

Steel gas main enters building (6inch) and meter is some 50 meters away with all the pressure valves and gas safety signs etc

Just Pondering........
Interesting  point. We are normally only interested in the consumers side of the meter, but in a case like this then the pipe is bringing in an earth potential, confused.com    

I dont think the regs make that point as per gas bonding,

Im not going to look right now, but does it not say something along the lines of

' within 600mm ...... of where the service enters the building'

to me that is regardless of the meter position,


I have had a look at the regs,

Im wrong above,  :|

within 600mm of the meter outlet union, or at the point of entry if the meter is external

so, it seems that the 50m of gas pipe you have is NOT bringing an extraneous earth into the building until after the meter,  :C


box it in! no good flippin plumbbobs will cut the cable where it comes out of the box.

What makes me laugh is where we have to fit continuous 10mm bonding cable if it goes from say the water pipe to the gas pipe in one piece.

This reg is in place,  so that when plumbers remove the cable from the water pipe,  by unscrewing the clamp and releasing the cable,  it will still be bonding the gas pipe.

What a load of rubbish..........Have you ever known a plumbob to do that,  NO they just cut the cables off and then dont bother refitting them.

So that reg to me is a waste of ink.

To return to my OP  ,  its the old story of blame the nearest sparks .

The history goes such :- 

1)   Unknown sparks rewires & puts gas bond in correct place , ( Consumer's side , within 600mm,  no branches or tees , size 10mm )

2)   Unknown  Heating company install two tees between the meter and the clip & run off , giggling .

3)   Yours truly appears to do some additional elects for builder.... notice the gas bond (in passing ,loads to do,  not really interested)  .

4)   Builder drylines & skims behind gas meter ....bond clip dissapears .

5)   Pedantic plumber arrives and announces he must report it to somebody or I should alter it  & Gas regs overrule 7671 .

6)   Unfortunately he has mistaken me for someone who gives a $hytte about moving a clip 6inches along a pipe  & thinks if he,s so bothered then he could do it.

7)    Result :-        Begger all happens . No damage to wall .  Gas pipes still bonded.

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Gas technicians (gas bags)  have spent a lot of money to get were they are, so they have the right to be all superior.....  NOT

To return to my OP  ,  its the old story of blame the nearest sparks .

The history goes such :- 

1)   Unknown sparks rewires & puts gas bond in correct place , ( Consumer's side , within 600mm,  no branches or tees , size 10mm )

2)   Unknown  Heating company install two tees between the meter and the clip & run off , giggling .

3)   Yours truly appears to do some additional elects for builder.... notice the gas bond (in passing ,loads to do,  not really interested)  .

4)   Builder drylines & skims behind gas meter ....bond clip dissapears .

5)   Pedantic plumber arrives and announces he must report it to somebody or I should alter it  & Gas regs overrule 7671 .

6)   Unfortunately he has mistaken me for someone who gives a $hytte about moving a clip 6inches along a pipe  & thinks if he,s so bothered then he could do it.

7)    Result :-        Begger all happens . No damage to wall .  Gas pipes still bonded.
Same scenario BUT i usethe job as one of my annual assessments for NICCY

NICCY rocks up

No BOND , attempts to issue a Fatwah AND Jihad on me!

I retaliate with the pic on my phone of the job done 2 weeks ago..........

sh i te for brains knuckle dragging on floor behind him  plumber walks past looking fairly Ovine.  Have you tampered with my bits? I enquired?... He admitted it and i was victorious

tony Cable   God put cameras on phones for a reason!

just saying

You were lucky Kerch,  you coud be in hiding now  with a NICCY  death squad on your tail .

Mate of mine left an M4 screw out of a box lid ............  3 days later his body washed up on the south coast , minus the head , which is displayed on a pole at  Spaghetti Junction .     

Here's one for you...

I replaced a consumer unit and did some kitchen sections/rewire,,, used the job as one of my first as an AC with NIC

So we rock up and start to have a prod and a poke around only to find that the water bond had been disconnected that very morning by a plumber that very morning because it was in the way for him to replace the stop tap..... he didn't put it back because he knew I was going to be there later.

OH...... and I take exception to gas fitters being called "Engineers" or "Technicians",,,,,, most are not and never will be,, they don't hold the qualifications!

I've noticed over time  that gas fitters , whether BG or whatever will condemn gas fires etc  on the grounds that their regs have been updated .  

A customer had this with BG  who sealed his fire off,  " But you fitted it " Says customer .  

He got another gas man in who checked the fire, removed the notice and left it working .

Another favourite is to announce that ventilation grilles have to be drilled & fitted although the fire has been there for 10 years . 

OH...... and I take exception to gas fitters being called "Engineers" or "Technicians",,,,,, most are not and never will be,, they don't hold the qualifications!
I'll agree with that,

my have I p'd some of them off when I refused to call them that, and simply kept refering to them as gas plumbers.!  :D

Ask a   Gas fitter why he never completed the Plumbing course and stopped when he got to gas !.....stand back and wait

worked on a job on friday at a major clients site, came across a new to me Gas /plumbit chappy. Seemed knowledgable enough.....and then he told me that he had to get his Part P level ( band?) A and his " 3 phase card " so he could do more on the commercial side!    SO.     WTF is a " 3 phase card "?

I declined to be drawn into a pointless and meaningless argument that he was going to lose from the start
