As others have said, anyone asking you for money up front to find you work is best avoided at all costs! I remember a few years ago, somone rang me, would I be interested in a contract to wire 1000 new homes, why me? I'm a one man band and there are quite a few reputable decent sized firms not far from me, so why do they want me to do the work?
A couple of phone calls and I soon had the answer, all the big firms had refused them! Just for a laugh I pretended I was interested just to see what the scam was, after all, they didn't want any money off me for offering me this fantastic opportunity.
It went like this, they had a spec for the job, they told you how much you'd be paid per house, ok fair enough, then the small print, they planned to build say 100 homes, when they'd been sold they'd build the next 100, only after all 1000 homes had been built and sold would you be paid for the work! The building started 3 years ago and is still unfinished, in the end they sold off two thirds of the land so now we have 3 different developers building homes on the same site, and they won't be finished until early next year.I often wonder if anyone was silly enough to take it on, and if they ever got paid.
I despise people who try and make money for nothing, life is hard enough, I don't mind dropping somebody a decent drink if they find me some work, I knew a bloke worked for an alarm company, they didn't do small domestic stuff, just big stuff, anyway, he'd tell anyone they wouldn't do a job for to phone me, he'd also ring and tell ,me to expect a call from "so and so, from such an address".each time a job came in and I did it, I'd drop him 20 quid, he was happy and I was happy, his firm weren't bothered so it was win all round.
There's nothing wrong with showing your appreciation to someone who helps you earn a few bob, but pay these leaches? NEVER!