Another what code question.

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Im now settled on a c2 , I tink C1 is unrealistic, there is no immediate danger,

C2 , potential for a danger to arise, = YES, an ELV cable run alongside a LV cable with inadequate insulation, potentially dangerous IMHO, thats why we dont wire lights in bell wire.

This thread just goes to show how each code given on an EICR can differ from one inspector and another.I think the potential danger in all cases is not with the electrical installation but with the inconsistency of the inspector.

An electrical installation installed to the 14th edition is not dangerous, and has never been dangerous, in fact some installs done to previous editions are by matter of fact safe. What we think about current regulations has very little to do with the installation under test, I have been called in as an advisor on many disputed PIR's were clients have been left with very large bills for remedials, and my advise has always been based on fact.

Unless I can see and feel an immediate danger the installation is satisfactory.

I now avoid domestic like the plague, simply because the market is flooded by what I would describe as incompetent people who are registered to do this work, who have very little scruples, and are very happy to code installations that they have no knowledge of above what should be coded.

Evidence of this is supplied by this very forum, and the questions raised. I and other members will very happily help any member who is new to the industry, and my respect goes out to the core members who have tried to pass on their very vast experience and knowledge.

My advise to any person doing any inspection is to study the definitions for each code, do a risk assessment for each fault found and code accordingly, and give a reason for the code, I will never put down any electrician who gives me more information and will in fact hold him in more respect regardless of his training.

Perhaps some member could do a poll on the types of codes given and why, it would be nice and beneficial to this forum, if we could iron out all the discrepancies in codes given.

hi pro , how did you become qualified as an electrician
:yellow card stop this **** now or return to the darkside

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 10:05 ---------- Previous post was made at 09:37 ----------

Returning to question, I would C2 this item as misuse of CPC. It is not there to be used for anything else. C1 is too extreme as it isn't dangerous, C3 is letting standards slip as whoever re-wired the place shouldn't have done this in the first place and I feel that C3 is condoning this poor work, which was no doubt down to lack od 3core and earth at time of installing.

:yellow card stop this **** now or return to the darkside---------- Post Auto-Merged at 10:05 ---------- Previous post was made at 09:37 ----------

Returning to question, I would C2 this item as misuse of CPC. It is not there to be used for anything else. C1 is too extreme as it isn't dangerous, C3 is letting standards slip as whoever re-wired the place shouldn't have done this in the first place and I feel that C3 is condoning this poor work, which was no doubt down to lack od 3core and earth at time of installing.
So would you not C3 (Improvement recommended) and provided estimate to correct it.

I changed my mind because I had thought C3 was equivalent to the old 4, ie not to regs. But not so. The old 4 doesn't exist anymore, C3 means improvement recommended. Part of my thinking here is that this is not a current carrying conductor and even when the alarms are activated it only carries 9V. If it was a strapper in a 2 way cct, I'd defo code C2.

C2 for me, end of, no discussion & I bet I can quote a reg to support it if I could be bothered, oh the original inspector should IMHO have quoted the reg number to support his argument anyway, how else can it be proven, or taken as correct without a reg no. to back it up.

BTW, I am NOT going out to the van at this time on a Sunday night to get the paper regs book & my iPad is busy.

C2 for me, end of, no discussion & I bet I can quote a reg to support it if I could be bothered, oh the original inspector should IMHO have quoted the reg number to support his argument anyway, how else can it be proven, or taken as correct without a reg no. to back it up.BTW, I am NOT going out to the van at this time on a Sunday night to get the paper regs book & my iPad is busy.
Then stop playing Angry Birds on it and do some work!!

No mate, don't have Angry Birds on it!

It is restoring after being "Jailbroke"!

In fact there are only about 4 games plus those that come pre-installed on it.

It's not a toy it's a tool, which does not make the rest of the family happy when they "play" and want to install a game or summat & can't!!!

Face, bothered?


Potentially dangerous - 2 arguments:-

1/ damage the cable and 240v gets back fed to 9v side of smokes - potential fire starter.

2/ damage cable and there's no cpc to take nasty leccy away - another fire starter/killer?

to me C3 isn't strong enough. It is plain wrong to use CPC for any other purpose then what it is intended for (it's in the regs somewhere), bit like using a durex for a swimming cap (comment inspired by Olympics :^O ). C3's as I understand it, can be ignored by customers, and this situation needs rectifying.

hi pro , how did you become qualified as an electrician
I think that you will find that your manic, incomprehensible rants, personal attacks and "trolling"/purile posts will not be tolerated on this forum CJE512 - it is properly moderated.

Your behaviour on the NAPIT forum would have got you banned several times over on a forum such as this .... :put the kettle on

who is this troll you speak about i am just new to this forum, i think your rant is uncalled for, how dare you ,you rude man hope the moderators check you out for a post like that to a new member.shocking
