Anyone else had a weird illness??

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Mar 12, 2011
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Psychiatric ward??
Anyone else had a weird illness??

About a week and a half ago, if not more, i felt well ill one day. No headache, just wobbly and ill..

Felt much better the next day but now had a little bit of a sore throat, only a tiny bit of one though.. I was at the hospital and all of a sudden i had a bit of a runny nose for an hour. I went and checked with the management and they said it was fine if i did not have a fever or a cough..

I have had the sore throat for about a week and a half as i said, AND some sort of chest problem too.. No coughing that you cannot help, but every now and again you will choose to cough, just onc, to "clear your chest" as it were.. No sneezing or anything though..

I have also had a SLIGHT strange breathless feeling, only very slight though.

I know someone else i saw yesterday [from 10 feet away] and they have had exactly the same.. We both think it is the strangest thing we have ever had, unlike anything else..

What is the chance it is a mild case of the corona virus??

Not been back to the hospital at all in case i have got it..

Anyone else felt strange??

I was very similar last week myself, didn’t feel quite right, nothing major or obvious, headaches, runny nose and dry throat, no cough, put it down to working in an enclosed dusty building and the start of my hay fever? 
Yes!!! that is it!!!

Wonder if we have had it?? Apparently the government are sorting out antibody testing kits.. The NHS will have them first i expect, i will have a go when they arrive and see what happens....


Our youngest son, (now 22), who lives down in Portsmouth...

Was really under the weather back at the beginning of January around his birthday on 6 Jan...

Very tired and exhausted, and bad cough!!

cant remember if he had a temperature or not...

But was off for a few days..

Home in bed + the Paracetamol..

We are now wondering if he had a mild form of it?

As some experts are now reckoning that it has been around in the UK for longer than first stated.?


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Turns out that people are MOST infectious some time BEFORE they ever have symptoms... [as by the time you have symptoms antibodies will have stuffed the virus sufficiently that it cannot replicate]


This is the very thing we are now thinking...

As he'd come back home between Christmas & New year, so been all in and around our home for several days..

Before going back home after new year but before his birthday on 6 Jan,  by which time he was really unwell !!!!


he works for Wetherspoons!!

So in the pub.. loads of possible sources of contact ,

Down by the ports, ferries & military ships coming in and diving in the pubs & bars!!

It is quite possible we have already been in contact with it!?

As has been said...

We need these Testing Kits to get some fixed reference points to check against.


Anyone else had a weird illness??

About a week and a half ago, if not more, i felt well ill one day. No headache, just wobbly and ill..

oddly enough, yes. i do get like that every so often if i stand up too quick on a morning but this wasnt as bad but lasted a few hours rather than minutes. didnt really think much of it.probably a week and a bit ago too

really, the entire population needs tested. i think the results may be surprisingly high, to the point they prove that so many people have had it, there is nothing that could be done to stop it

Anyone else had a weird illness??

About a week and a half ago, if not more, i felt well ill one day. No headache, just wobbly and ill..

Had exactly this last week, my co workers were experiencing  similar symptoms, wondered if it was the virus but with no cough or fever.

Back in November, SIL had really bad cough that wouldnt go away for 3 weeks and my youngest had severe problems with his asthma for about the same time.

Testing in Iceland revealed that half of people tested had the virus with no symptoms.


My missus has been ill for months

started well before Xmas when a kid at school did a direct cough in face at here

she has had a couple of doses of a tight chest over the years. But is never off work, up at 6 in all weathers to go to her horse.

this knocked her back so much she had a week off work...then half term...then signed off for another week. Lung function tests, sputum tests, blood test. Put her on antibiotics...didn't work....found out that what she had was resistant to them.  Gave her some others and she seemed to get better a couple of weeks ago. Easy to tell how bad she was as she couldn't got to sort her horse out for 10 days

i was rough about 3 weeks ag, all the symptoms

headache for 4 days

sore throat

tight wheezy chest that weirdLy made more noise when I had finished exhaling....sounded like a seagull in my chest


all cleared up now apart from a occasional cough BUT ( and you couldn't make this up )

i have started on blood pressure pills and the main side effect is..........a COUGH

I am  pretty certain we have had it and want testing asap for the anti bodies

Stay safe and unlike the bunch of W⚓️s that are TV reporters STAY AT HOME

I do like a conspiracy 

I embarked on dry January (for the first time ever) and at the same time got a cough, head ache, had a general lack of energy so was going to bed very early, sometimes felt a bit spaced out (which I thought was due to lack of alcohol) and felt generally very lousy - for about 3 weeks . 

My son kept on saying "when are you going to get rid of that cough"

So maybe I've had a slight version ........

I have heard many similar stories from people I know, / now of. I think you are forgetting there's loads of viruses knocking around anyway, and there seems to have been something nasty knocking around in December. This is , of ocurse, leading to few conspiracy theories.

One of the things that wil be interesting is with people actually improving their personal hygiene, how much the usual coughs / colds  fu and norovirusus is reduced this year.

A friend of mine asked the doorman at our local Tesco how old you have to be to use the reserved hour they have allocated for seniors. 

The doorman looked at him and replied " Oh you'll have no problem mate".

He's a fit 66 and is most upset as he's now found the correct answer to his question was 70!

A friend of mine asked the doorman at our local Tesco how old you have to be to use the reserved hour they have allocated for seniors. 

The doorman looked at him and replied " Oh you'll have no problem mate".

He's a fit 66 and is most upset as he's now found the correct answer to his question was 70!
We used to have a large retail electrical outlet

manned by a very dour Ex RSM Of the Royal Scots....a man not to be messed with

my father manned the back office/contracting side 

if a customer came in and mentioned their age they would go into their double act...imagine this with the accent


Dad.....68 you say, did you here that, Jock? 68!

jock...Aye 68, you say. I had ye down for much older. Late 70s at the very least

....I wish I knew where my sarcasm came from

