Well, it was going to be this am, but him & Miss SW Snr went out for lunch with his parents. (They paid!)
I was happily minding my own business when an 0844 no rung my phone, here we go I thought, what are they selling now?
It was the big local hotel KME looks after, with a breakdown, about 11/11:30 ish this morning.
I had promised him cover, & he got it!
3 hours outside in the pouring rain fixing the rubbish compactor because Chef would not allow the rubbish to build up, and they have a big do tomorrow night apparently!
Anyway, temp repair done, could not get all the bits, kept KME's customer happy, and the hotel, so perhaps more for both of us.
As I was already cold, wet & dirty & rung the Jnr's and said if he wants to do the bike now I might as well.
No rushing, no stress, well not for me anyway, he struggled with getting some screws back into the faring, all done now, & he is happy, so is Mrs SW Snr.
So, now then Andy, what are you paying! ]
