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©Honorary Essex Boy™
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
It has come to my attention that recently some Avatars have been changed by the users.

We allow political debate providing it is carried out within the rules of this forum to which you have all agreed.

We can not allow any Avitar to be used if by doing so it causes distress or offence to others. I would urge people to read the forum rules before they post or publish anything to see if any rules could be broken.

Those whom have an Avatar that breaks these rules should remove them voluntarily, or have them removed by Admin or Moderator with accompanying warning points.  

Thank you Manator, you just beat us to it.

We are aware of two members of long standing who are currently using avatars that may cause offence.

These two members know who they are, and we would ask that they will voluntarily replace these avatars immediately.

Failing this then the route indicated by Manator above, will, be implemented.

We will PM the two members concerned.

It is also noted who instigated this.

It is also noted that retailation is not always the best recourse.

I think the statement of 'may cause offence' is a bit of an understatement.  Having just spotted the other avatar in question I am appalled.  Offence is a guarantee I feel. 

I think that there may only be one remaining now, I'll check the offending members profile.

Yep, the member that started all this still has his "offending" avatar.

I'm concerned that "welcome to Essex" my be an oxymoron.

In Essex speak “moron” is a term of endearment you greet your mates with despite what the OED has to say on its meaning.

Simply drop the “oxy” and Essex will think you’re being friendly, the rest of us will know exactly what you mean.

 Two strange Avatars have suddenly  appeared  , Stepps & Poni  .

Could we be enlightened as to who or what they are  ? 

Edit :     Ah   Is it Martin Luther ....why is it relevant  ?

Last edited by a moderator:
 Two strange Avatars have suddenly  appeared  , Stepps & Poni  .

Could we be enlightened as to who or what they are  ? 

Edit :     Ah   Is it Martin Luther ....why is it relevant  ?
Yes, it is Deke

I have an Avatar of a man who brought religion into the modern age,

Another member had an avatar of a terrorist organisation that wants to drag us back to a controlled age whereby the church is god and you answer to them and no one else,  ie: the church is god, and the real God doesn't exist. 

Slightly confused about the other Avatar  there Stepps !!!

Also have a vague memory that Martin Luther was reformist and  did he nail some worms to a church door or something .  

Henry V111 is a bit of a hero TBH    .  Not the nicest of guys it would seem but did us (or me anyway)  a favour by kicking the left footers into touch in the 16th century  .

What's offensive about the lilly? 

is this another of those brilliantly British occasions where people have to be told what they should be offended by in order for them to be suitably offended?
