©Honorary Essex Boy™
It has come to my attention that recently some Avatars have been changed by the users.
We allow political debate providing it is carried out within the rules of this forum to which you have all agreed.
We can not allow any Avitar to be used if by doing so it causes distress or offence to others. I would urge people to read the forum rules before they post or publish anything to see if any rules could be broken.
Those whom have an Avatar that breaks these rules should remove them voluntarily, or have them removed by Admin or Moderator with accompanying warning points.
We allow political debate providing it is carried out within the rules of this forum to which you have all agreed.
We can not allow any Avitar to be used if by doing so it causes distress or offence to others. I would urge people to read the forum rules before they post or publish anything to see if any rules could be broken.
Those whom have an Avatar that breaks these rules should remove them voluntarily, or have them removed by Admin or Moderator with accompanying warning points.