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I personally am not offended by any political or religious symbol, I am however a moderator and should act on complaints received. Many innocent symbols have been used by many organisations for their own needs.

The moderation team are not here to censor what people believe, but enforce the rules of the forum. Any complaint will be dealt with, without prejudice. The alleged offensive Avatars were removed by the people who used them and did not receive any action by the Admin team or moderators, this I feel was the correct way to handle this situation.

Yes, it is Deke

I have an Avatar of a man who brought religion into the modern age,

Another member had an avatar of a terrorist organisation that wants to drag us back to a controlled age whereby the church is god and you answer to them and no one else,  ie: the church is god, and the real God doesn't exist. 
sorry but it was the peace Lilly and used for the original cause  . its not my fault that other organisations have called it there own, just like the English flag been taken up by the NF and other far left organisations  

I always get my far right and far left groups mixed up that should read far right groups

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