Bad start to 2012

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Hi All,

Exactly..... As it happens, there is a criminal offence called "trading while insolvent" In other words, if you continue to trade [taking in peoples deposits for example, or engaging electricians to do work for you] when you know that your assets are insufficient to cover your liabilities, you commit an offence.

Now then...The banks never had any assets!!!!! You will see such and such bank crowing that they have assets of umpteen trillion pounds, No they do not!!!!! all they have is the value of all the mortgages they have issued. How is that assets???? that is debts..... The only assets they have are a load of computers and photocopiers, and even that is doubtful, as they are probably leased....

You and me would have been jailed and banned from being a company director for life by now... As ProDave says, the only losers would have been shareholders in the banks, and why should we care about them????

If instead of paying your mortgage you bet the money on a horse and lost it, why then, should you be compensated??

I was kind of hoping that the collapse of the banks would bring about a start to the re-nationisation of all the assets that were stolen from us and sold [electricity companies etc] but no hope of that, as it is the banking types that fund the present government.

ALL utility companies should be privatised, with profits going back to the renewal/repair/upkeep of the "systems" involved with any surplus going to the treasury. It should most certainly not be a case of let everything collapse, no maintenance at all, and all income sent off to foreign shareholders......


Re Prodave.. Hi, I am in Scotland ( Glasgow ) . Wish you where correct about building regs for roofs up here. My roof is just tiles batons felt, no ply or wood backing. Seems to be done like that here now( well my house is seven years old) , don't think I would be in such a mess if the backboard was there. Apparently we missed a tick box when doing our house insurance regarding emergency response, so I'm stuffed with that. Regarding tarpaulin I have covered a span below the ridge with a decline towards a very large builders mixer bucket, seems to be doing the trick so far as today the rain didn't stop. To wild to go on roof to repair or tarp just now .looks like the weather tomorrow is going to be better.

Had visit from assesor today, he spent about ten mins looking at it and came up with price of 417.50. Less out 250 excess. Shed roof not covered and fence not covered so looks like I'm going to be a fair few quid out of pocket after all this.

How the assesor thinks I'm going to get it done for that I don't know , roofers up here are charging a fortune for all this emergency work. :mad:

Interesting re building regs.

Our house was built in 2003 and has OSB (sterling board) spanning the roof trusses then felt, then battens, then tiles.

I've not worked in any house, even old ones that doesn't have some form of boards. It can be OSB, plywood, or even planks, they all have something.

Perhaps regs are different for the Highlands, but I thought all of Scotland had the same building regs.

I've never had a household insurance claim so I don't know how it works, but I thought they just appointed a contractor and paid him (less the excess that you pay). Qouting a fixed price like that and saying that's all you get, is a bit like the customer saying I want a CU change for

As Dave says, I'd be telling them to get on with it and fix it rather than make me an offer.

Remind them also that they must comply with statute law, i.e. building regs and they have a statute law duty to employ competent contractors.

If you house has an NHBC warranty then they should ensure that their repairs meet the requirements of this, just like car body repairers must ensure that their repairs meet the car makers requirements.

Thanks for the advice guys, certainly will be a lot more picky the next time we insure. The rain has not stopped and to make matters worse the wind has picked up again. The remaining three ridge tiles are loose( as I can put a driver up through the felt and move them:eek:) my heart is in my mouth here just waiting for a gust to bring the rest of it down.

Must admit houses used to be made a lot better than they are these days. I have been in old houses with planks then tiles certainly bettter than just having felt. As for councils and government it strikes me we are paying more but getting less. In my area the roads are full of pot holes and some are quite busy roads and these have not been fixed from last year. If we have a bad winter they are going to be ruined. When i was growing up i remember the council boys would be out in the middle of a gale doing a temporary repair on a hole then would come back as few weeks later and repair it properly. These days even if you damage your car councils don't give two hoots and you try claiming compo from them.

Hi All,

I am with ProDave on this one...Now, i am no expert on thhe building regs, but so far as i know the Scottish building regs DEFINITELY insist on the boards.

You know how here, [england and wales] you will here talk of "sarking felt" Well, so far as i know, the boards are called sarking boards, The idea of them is to prevent "uplift" on the slates, or at least reduce it as their wind is a lot stronger.

The idea is, far from the slates just "blowing off" as the wind sails past your house, it causes a reduction in air pressure above the house as a result of having to "go the long way around" over the house and roof, as opposed to straight through the house [think principle of aeroplane wings here]

Anyway, as then there exists a higher pressure in the house than above it, this will lift the slates, and then off they go!!!

The sarking boards are there to reduce this..

I also have an idea that often the slates are nailed direct to the boards and so they often have no battens, but never having been to Scotland, much less looked in a Scottish roof i am not too sure about this!!!!


Yes that's right they are called sarking boards.

Another thought dbicket, did your insurance surveyor go into the loft for a look?

He hight have wrongly assumed your house has sarking boards, so the damage was not urgent. He might not have realised water was entering the loft, and some tiles need removing to replace the torn felt.

If he didn't realise that, get him back to adjust his estimate upwards.

I thought with home insurance claims it would have been like motor repairs. Such that you get two or three quotes from reputable tradespersons to rectify the damage and the insurance assessors is just verifying if the actual damage and its cause is a valid claim within the terms of your policy and by comparing the quotes, can verify that any single price is not artificially high against the actual work required.

Doc H.

the last time I made a claim against my home insurance (contents admittedly), they came out, assessed the damage, and arranged a replacement,

they asked us if it was acceptable, then we had to pay the insurance Co the excess.

they didnt do any of this we are only giving you X pounds for a repair.

does anyone know of any solar panels getting blown off?
Nicky,Now that is a question I would like answered too!!!
I was also wondering this and does any liability lie with the installer. Do you have to guarantee the safety of your panel installations up to certain wind speeds. Or what about just dislodged tiles around the panel fixings?

Doc H.

Hi doc, heard that two panels came off in Grangemouth Scotland. Not sure who did the instal?.

The only problem we seem to be having is a couple of ground faults popping up! Have still to investigate these !got one booked in for next Wednesday so will give you update later. Suspect a snagged cable or worse case scenario of smashed panel from flying debris! Have had a few mcb,s to reset also but other than that not much.

That's the roof fixed , 5m of new dry ridge 9 smashed tiles and four hours labour....two guys

Drumroll please.....
