D Skelton
Junior Member
Jeeeeesus, you're like a broken record aren't you! One that also likes to twist the words of the artist to suit your own end, but hey, whatever floats yer boat pal.Replacing an existing faulty accessory is different from designing a new installed accessory...
(same principal as like for like replacement work not necessarily requiring bring up to full compliance with current regs)..
However... I don't think the original question was about faulty replacement work.. was it??
it was designing new work..!!
This was the question we were all answering..
and why I guess Deke suggested an isolator as a requirement of good guidance for the original bloke asking the questioin..
You said that was wrong!!
implying that others were just mindlessly following regs without applying them sensibly and practically
and then then you went off with your daft idea of suggesting designing to use the OCPD...
As I pointed.. any idiot knows it is functional and possible..
But It is just a plain daft design idea showing lack of common sence..
Even tying to bring it up as a point of debate gives little or no merit to the discussion..
So I am glad to see you finally admit your suggestion was poor to say the least... :Applaud
and ultimately we have come back to the place where the actual original guidance given was all quite logical and sound without any blindly following of any regs...
so your input actually brought nothing new to the discussion of the question in hand.....!
Deke didn't suggest that an isolator be fitted as a requirement of good guidance though did he? He said one must be fitted. I never said it was wrong to fit an isolator, only that it was wrong to tell someone that one must be fitted. I never said that anyone was mindlessly following regs, nor did I suggest that the OP designed to use the OCPD, only that it was an option available to him.
If as you say any 'idiot' knows that it is functional and possible, why are so many people (and I'm not just referring to the people in this thread) saying that it cannot be done?! And your opinion that raising the issue brings nothing of merit to the discussion is completely and utterly subjective.
Finally, I have certainly not admitted to anything, regardless of how little you value my opinion. My input was solely there to correct an incorrect statement, one made by someone who funnily enough I notice hasn't received any grief from you or anyone else (not that I'm suggesting for a minute that he'd be deserving of it). No, the only one who gets grief is me, the only one who gets accused of making crap suggestions (notice I never actually suggested anything to the OP) is me. The only likely reasons for being on the receiving end of such disapproval I have already made clear, and as much as I welcome your tired attempts to discredit me, as much as I accept that as the newbie on here I'll have to take at least some stick, it ain't half getting boring now. Move on fella, I ain't your enemy.