Bike course

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Distinguished Member
Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Gloucestershire / Cotswolds
Well, bought myself a 600cc bike a few months back and it's time to go legal so in the morning I blow the best part of a grand on a 4 day bike course culminating with my test on Thursday. Bloody brickin it I can tell ya!

The only thing i can tell you is stay calm and keep moving you head, no matter what do not stop moving your head.

On my 1st bike test the examiner said he only saw me look over my shoulder once and that was to look at a woman in a tight skirt, second time only 2 or time's and i am sure a woman was involved in at least one of them, 3rd time getting better but still not enough 4th time passed.

best advice i can give you mate is like what spark doctor said keep moving your head!

the examiner likes to see your allways looking for hazzards whats ahead etc, keep calm and ride safe you will be good,

good uck

I did a 4 dayer too, best way IMO

Try to forget everything you have learnt on the road up to now...the trainer will not appreciate you 'gettin yer knee down' ;)

good luck though...mine was hell (im so pig-headed I hate being taught lol)

worth it though

Well, first day over and done with and CBT gained and 2 hrs on a poxy CG125 pootling around Glos. Got another day on it tomorrow to make sure I got the U-turn nailed and then it's onto the GS500. Great fun though. Just wanna get cracking on my own bike as had a Thundercat sat in the garage for last 3 months!!

didnt like being 'chased' by a copper lookalike on a white pan with a white flip up helmet and flouro gear on lol

Just make sure you send your pass cert off!!!

I did mine many years back and forgot to send my pass certificate off!!! it expired and now if i want to ride i have to do the whole thing again! idiot!!

Well, bought myself a 600cc bike a few months back and it's time to go legal so in the morning I blow the best part of a grand on a 4 day bike course culminating with my test on Thursday. Bloody brickin it I can tell ya!
Good luck Cirrus, thinking of doing mine soon but at a grand a go think i will have to sell my body first! - well part of it - anyone want a slightly damaged liver? Guiness Drink

Good luck Cirrus, thinking of doing mine soon but at a grand a go think i will have to sell my body first! - well part of it - anyone want a slightly damaged liver? Guiness Drink
They regularly give away the organs of bikers - you see them driving arround like idiots. They suddenly have no use for them :|

I know it's a small minority that give the majority a bad name, but how come I only meet the ones that overtake on blind bends etc.

are you doing direct access (500cc) or restricted (125)

dont forget what they call the life saver look over your shoulder been riding sinse i was 15

took the direct access 2 day course when i was 45 could not believe how nervous i was

until the test started then before i new it i passed

good luck

just reread your post test on a 500cc

Yeah, have got the DAS test on Thurs lunch time. Today was ace. Instructor told me I was best student he has had for years and will be annoyed if I even pick up 1 minor! How's that for pressure.

Can anyone tell me, what requirements do you need to ride one of them quad thingies?
AFAIK a car licence OR a bike licence will suffice,

either or.

oh, and be totally F'in brain dead, cos most of the people I see on them are total D**Kheads.

my neighbour has one, he's a decent bloke until he gets on it then its like someone has removed his brain... ?:| ? :| ?:| just dont get it TBH.
