I have the predecessor of this:
Combined with a 2kg Bosch mains SDS & a 36V Bosch battery SDS, both with roto-stop, obviously!
Also a bolster & club hammer, & a Henry to connect to the wall chaser.
Don't forget your PPE though seriously, gloves, eye, hearing & respiratory protection.
I use one of these:
You can get ear defenders to go on it.
TBH when using the chaser, I would never be without full PPE, even with the extraction from the Henry.
Depending on the construction, I have toyed with one of the kits containing various versions of these:
However, these are only suitable for certain buildings.
Normally, mark out the wall, chain drill, cross drill, then break out with SDS for boxes
However, I do this barely once a year, IF I HAVE to, most of the kit I use for other jobs, bar the wall chaser, which I have used on one job, and it has paid for itself to be honest, in the savings on my body.
I can't "do" hammers and chisels for long any more, my hands go numb too quickly.