Commercial Fire System

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2013
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just a quick q 

i have installed lots and lots fire alarm spec'd for bars clubs ect. As the plans have stated that. 

we are currently doing a small bar witch i think requires a automatic grade A fire system with 2 zones. 

call point at exits, smoke and heats ect. 

i have explained that to the owners and they have said no they don't want one and thats that. 

Any one know any regulations on commercial places witch state what system is required ect. 

think they want to save as much money as possible


designing the system is not a problem. its getting the customer to realise he will need a fire alarm in place. i have my electricians fire regs but not in another van. 

any help would be appreciated with regs ect 

so they want a fire disaster as per 3rd world countries??? I'm pretty sure it's a legal requirement, but exactly where that is written I don't know. Exactly what form of system is proably debatable and dependent on layour of bar and fire exits. Could try to at least persuade them to have linked smokes as per aico units or the like

yes, it is a small bar with a kitchen. 2 fire exits i would have thought a max of 3 smokes and 1 heat. i dont like using aico systems in commercial and the fact with a grade A system it has to be tested ever 6 months and can be on service contract 

 Way I see it is...   Its their responsibility to instruct their contractor to install the relavent protection which they will have dertermined with the local authority .       Do you carry the necessary insurances to advise, design and install ?   

Its down to the authority. I maintain a snooker club with bar, dance license etc. All they had was a break glass & sounder all in one  unit  running off a PP9 battery that was behind the bar. This was acceptable until they got rid of a few snooker tables and built a room for Poker. The council asked for a break glass next to the new fire exit and a sounder in that room. No break glasses next to the other 4 fire exits & no smokes or heats anywhere. 

Quite often the licensing authority will want to see variation from the british standard for locating MCPS in such premises, in that they are omitted from the fire exits in the public areas, and instead installed behind the bar, staff exits still have MCPS.

Licensing authority should be consulted prior to the design being carried out to see if they have any particualr requirements.

But before that, you need someone to carry out a fire risk assement to see what grade of system you are looking at to start with

As I've said in other , similar threads , Thewiz,  its not up to you , or me , just do what they ask and take the money.    You offered some advice, it was ignored, move on .    Whether they need a fire alarm  is the concern of the owners , licensing authority, local council, fire dept.
