Disabling Manual Override On Pir Floodlight

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Mar 18, 2014
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I have several security PIR floodlights around the outside of the house. Unfortunately, living in the country, we are subject to frequent power cuts. If the power goes off and comes back on almost immediately, all the security lights come on and stay on. I know this is the 'feature' of these security lights….you switch off power and switch back on within a couple of seconds and light stays on permanently (until you switch off and wait 30 secs or so before switching back on).

However, if this power cut happens when I am away (as happened recently) it is a clear give-away that the house is not occupied as all the security lights are on permanently.

So here is the question. How can I disable or stop the manual override facility please? I never want the lights on permanently, only to detect motion at night. Really grateful for any help.



1/ Get different types of security lights...


2/  Wire the lights with a timer switch which removes the power at a set time for longer than 30 seconds ..

say for a few hours during daylight...

So if the lights have accidentally come on due to short power failure it will only be for a max of 1 day before the power is automatically removed for longer than the 30 seconds to reset them back to normal. 

may be other options...

but those are my first thoughts...


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For the expense / hassle it would be easier  / cheaper to change the PIR's to ones that DO NOT have this feature. (As has been said) The other thing to consider is that when the existing PIR's fail the OP will have wasted a lot of time. effort and money installing a "delay device" that is not required if the new PIR's do not have the "latch" facility

Thanks very much indeed for your help and ideas. There are 8 units in total around house and outbuildings! 4 are joined at a common switching point, and 2 at another, so I could put a timer (or delay on timer) at those points. 

Thanks again for your help.


FInder do one, this is what my local wholesaler carries, hence what I carry 24-240V ac or dc IIRC.

Probably one of these I have:


However, it is in the back of the van, in a box, under the bench, it's cold & dark here, &, I can't get in to the van for clinical waste at the moment, so I'm not moving it to look!


IF I remember tomorrow when I sort the van out I'll look and let you know.
