domestic electrical installer help question!!

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thats the cheaper 20 day course Batty
Still no guarantee you will get a job at the end of it if you pay the full amount or the lower amount why oh why do people waste there money on these courses.

ok so most of you dont agree with fast track courses so what would you suggest, im classed as a mature student so dont qualify for college. Or dont you guy's really know?

OK so most of you don't agree with fast track courses so what would you suggest, I'm classed as a mature student so don't qualify for college. Or don't you guy's really know?
I'm an old fart but have done all my training through local colleges and maybe if you talk to other sparks on courses they may even come up with job opportunity's.

ok so most of you dont agree with fast track courses so what would you suggest, im classed as a mature student so dont qualify for college. Or dont you guy's really know?
Not sure what you mean by dont qualify for college?

I think you will find hundreds of mature students doing C&G's in night classes in colleges all around the country....

I know I have sat in enough classrooms full of "Mature Students".

If you pay your money.. colleges accept anyone providing they meet any entry requirements for a course..

Not much different to a fast-track company..

you pay the course fees..

you sit the course & take exams..


The first place I would have been looking is to contact your local college

either their website..

of personal visit

ask to speak to their Head of electrical dept

He or She will know what course is best suited to your current starting position..

The first place I would have been looking is to contact your local college

either their website..

of personal visit

ask to speak to their Head of electrical dept
Or you could just look Here, because I have done all the hard work for you. ;)

Ok if i found a course to do my 2330, do I have to do both level 2 and level 3 or could i get away with doing my level 3 only plus doing the fast track course would any of this help???

Ok if i found a course to do my 2330, do I have to do both level 2 and level 3 or could i get away with doing my level 3 only plus doing the fast track course would any of this help???
iirc, you cant do level 3 without level 2?

Well i think i found a course but its already started will have to wait, unless they can get me on it now. just read I need to do level 2 first and for level 3 need to be in related employment. So would have to find some one who'd take me on as an apprentice. not the best time to have a sudden career change, if i have to wait next year for a course. to be honest i'll do the fast track and try to get experience, as im going part time in the ambulance service. i just think if i dont start now I never will. cheers for your patience in answering my mis guided questions... very helpful and i hope im making the right decision!

but will still do 2330 next year!
You'll probably find it's changed by then, mate.

They're bringing in a new qualification, incorporating the NVQ3, to replace the 2330.

Bad timing all round. :)

Well nothings ever easy is it, I've certainly learn't that probably like most of us. I'll keep at it though..

what if you tried applying to a training provider like JTL? Thats who i done my apprenticeship with qualified earlier this year. You will have to find someone to take you on but they can help u with that.

I would suggest registering with some employment agencies as an improver or mate, to gain some experience.

A number of jobs I have been on have been mostly wired by such, and then I am asked to come in and sort out the snags.

not the best time to have a sudden career change, if i have to wait next year for a course.
Fair comment - but:

to be honest i'll do the fast track and try to get experience,
So, whilst you agree that the market is bad for apprentices because everyone is tightening their belts, you honestly believe a "fast-track" course and going on your own is any better???

Sorry mate, wish you all the luck in the world, but I think you`ve chosen the hard path, AFAICS.

