EICR help

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New member
Aug 7, 2019
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Evening all

I'm not a qualified electrician, been unable to find work so just continuing training/ practicing. Hope my question hasn't been raised loads of times before or daft and hope calculations correct.

Just completed an EICR on my own property, it's a small flat in Portishead, TN-C-S, single phase with16MM l/N with a 10mm main earth and 6mm bonding conductor. My PFC is 3095 A, have pulled cut out fuse and it's an 80A BS88-3- I know this is technically illegal but needs must (it was done safely)

I used the adiabatic equation in 543.1.3 and assuming I've done it correctly came to 6.84mm, K- 143, T- 0.1

As for bonding, majority of flat is copper pipe with an incoming blue plastic mains supply pipe with a resistance between a known earth and metalwork of 130k ohms

What I need to know is, if anyone does an EICR with this type of scenario, would you take the time to work out the CSA'S using section 543.1.3 or would you just reference table 54.7 and advise an upgrade.

Thank you in advance for any help/ advice 

Thanks for your responses. I only asked this as contractors I spoke to in work said no, if it doesn't comply with 54 then charge for new ones. It's surprising how many people have different views and opinions which makes learning a new trade that bit more complicated.

thinking is so last century. bung it in, see if it gets hot. if not, cash in arse pocket, hi ho silver. 😋

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Page 364 for a BS88-3 fuse system C- To be honest I don't even know if my calculations are correct! Not much guidance especially in my job- if I've made any stupid errors please point them out as it's a great wat to learn.

It's surprisingl how  many don't /can't calculate it and assume table 54 is the only way

and if you calculate using adiabatic and find all is OK, it doesn't stop the numpties coming in behind you, taking a sharp intake of breath and declaring it's all wrong!!!  :slap

Few people ever calculate anything, not many that I have met even try - I've always blamed the OSG for dumbing down our trade, especially when they started putting 80% figures in for Zs. 
