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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
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What does everybody use at the main downlighter junction (where the 3 plate is) if wiring this way, where there are extractor fans involved and mirror lights.  So say you have possibly 6-7 1.5mm T&Es and need to get the wagos/connector blocks into an encosure.  Wont fit in choc box or wagobox so looking for an enclosure which fits through the 70mm downlighter hole.

Seen many where they think the ceiling void is 'the enclosure' lol 

Any thoughts please


On new builds or extensions , because of all the downlights used these days ,  I fit full depth sw boxes and 3 plate or DP at the switches .

If the number of connections get out of hand I'll sometimes fit a twin box at high level with a blank lid , do it all in there.    Loft space I fix a ceiling rose over bathroom. 

Denmans have a long  slim connector box ,fit your own connectors , that will go through a 70mm hole.   Never used them TBH but look useful.    

Edit :-  That Hager JB looks useful.

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we have used the Hager boxes mentioned above and they are very good indeed :D

we have also used the Wago boxes which again are very good....

having 7 cables together for downlighters  i can only recommend the same as others have mentioned, 47mm and blanking plate.. or a smallish polycarb enclosure in loft space :D

I always daisy-chain downlighters using Click-flo connectors. Biggest advantages are you can pre-wire the loom sitting comfortably on your toolbox instead of in the loft or, if between floors, cables through joist holes and wire from above (again sitting on the toolbox) and then you end up with a single connection to the existing lighting point. To test the circuit prior to assembly, your pre-wired test plug will slot neatly into the last socket on the daisy-chain and then go back into your toolbox ready for your next downlighter install.
