Failed D.E.I.P.I.R. (for a single dwelling)

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Hello Theorysparky,I own the property but I am not the landlord.

The agents are the landlords - I have leased the property to the agents.
Hi Mr Slim,

You are the landlord, they are your control them!

If the letting agents know the contractor then it wouldn't suprise me if they are trying to look after him. I know of agents who have 'taken a drink' out of the profits of jobs they've arranged. I do a lot of work around Leeds and have seen landlords of student houses and HMO's exploited countless times, especially when it comes to PIR's or 'electrical safety certificates' as agents tend to call them. Whatever they say, or however dismissive or arrogant they are, it is very unlikely that they have a clue what the relevant standards or legalities are, so although it may be a long drawn out process, please stick to your guns.

I would bet that the 'sparky' was a family member of someone at the agency......

come across it before

what amazes me with the pics is why didnt the guy feed the cables into the cu from underneath ????

oh thats right,,,,,,he either did it live,,,,,,,,,or it was a second hand unit with the holes already there

or it could be he didnt know you could !!!!!!!!!!!

I bet the 'electrician' will claim he did not do the remedial works himself and that's why he issued a PIR after and that's why he charged for the test. Your on to a spanking for nothing unfortunately.
Surely there will be an invoice detailing the works carried out?

what amazes me with the pics is why didnt the guy feed the cables into the cu from underneath ????
Probably too much trouble to do it from underneath and form the tails into the terminals, why take an extra 5 mins to do it correctly???

I bet the 'electrician' will claim he did not do the remedial works himself and that's why he issued a PIR after and that's why he charged for the test. Your on to a spanking for nothing unfortunately.
well there will be invoices for the money paid somewhere, so whoever's name is on it would be the person to chase. and if there is no invoice, tell them you want one or they will also be reported to HMRC for tax evasion (along with the dodgy electrical work)


Be careful quoting rates mate, things vary A LOT! ;)

I have just put an estimate into a customer for a fault finding job.

No materials, no hired equipment, just hours & mileage in a single day, plus expenses, of around

^ Why not, computer consultants get this lawyers get this, many other professions get this and if they **** UP they don't kill people.

Sparks can kill people of they **** UP, so why are they not worthy of the same rates?

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It would be unfair to judge anyone who charges what they charge, simply because we have no idea of that persons overheads and worth.

What we all have to do is realise that like it or not, in the eyes of joe public, and some government departments, we are basically two a penny, and not worth paying any more than just above minimum wage. I remember earning almost

"should not & does not" ???? Are you sure mate?

I know guys in the outer London area, who`re are at 100+ per hour.....stands to reason central would be higher, as overheads go up in those areas.

Besides, I think we`re past the point of how much they charge. I can ask

Depends on what you`re doing, too.

The hotel we do work for have a tv & `phone central server system, which has to be reset by a tech. with his laptop if it has a power failure, or crashes. The head office is charged

Depends on what you`re doing, too.The hotel we do work for have a tv & `phone central server system, which has to be reset by a tech. with his laptop if it has a power failure, or crashes. The head office is charged