Failed D.E.I.P.I.R. (for a single dwelling)

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We appologise for any inconvenience caused, while waiting from all search engines to update their records.


Any Idea's why

With your history? probably a brush and shovel, if not hire one of those road sweepers!


Tools (in browser) then just delete history and cookies, I am using ubuntu but when I had windows I had crap cleaner which deleted all non relevant files and cleared up all the browser history. Not sure if there is a similar program available for ubuntu.

With your history? probably a brush and shovel, if not hire one of those road sweepers! :)

Tools (in browser) then just delete history and cookies, I am using ubuntu but when I had windows I had crap cleaner which deleted all non relevant files and cleared up all the browser history. Not sure if there is a similar program available for ubuntu.
thank you,

tools>clear recent history>clear now

job done. :)

BTW, I use Ubuntu too, :D

I still can't see them.

KME were these the ones of the periodic up the road from me?

I have too say, having inspected the reports, the numerous errors are totally unacceptable, as for the price, well what can i say, though i assume the op had the choice as to pay or get a second opinion on the various areas.If this chap is NICEIC registered as a DI or AC then God help us, it also raises the question as to how the scheme providers are monitoring there members.

Customer awareness is the key, more needs to be done to raise the awareness of electrical work carried out in domestic and commercial installations.

How much work is going unnotified.

How many consumers know notification is required in many instances.

Im afraid the industry as a whole needs to collectively increase awareness and introduce more stringent methods to assure good practice.

The scheme provides charge good money for what i would call a limited service, time to repay the industry and the consumers for everyones benefit.
I am afraid this is a sign of the times. I have been out to a rewired property by a NICEIC registered company recently and the worrying thing is they have left the consumer unit with no busbar cover maybe only a problem if you take cover off but really cannot see there can be any excuse for leaving a consumer unit in this condition.

Snaker is right mate - this one is probably worse than the one I sent you..........And its from down here.

When I came back in, I couldn`t see them either; yet when I deleted history, I could.......dunno why, I`m afraid (any computer-literate mods want to "mod" the pics for me??).


Hello all,

thank you very much for your comments and for the time, it is very much appreciated - THANKS.

Last week I received a definitive decision from the agency who on my behalf appointed the 'contractor'.

As you may remember I had hoped that the agency would agree that proper paperwork had not been issued by the 'contractor' and would raise it with him and if necessary report as a complaint to NICEIC accordingly. Sadly they decided that all correct and necessary paperwork has been issued and that his work is faultless.

Mr. SLim,

Are they "competent" to assess the "paperwork" if they feel they are and, you are unhappy, please ask them to prove their competence I doubt they can.

Please note I have not gome back further in the thread than your last post to make this comment.

IF you require an expert witness as you are still unhappy this can be arranged.

pic 1: are those unsheathed tails?

tails and earth are untidy and longer than is really necessary. Also no clipping or cable support.

Do the tails and earth go through holes in the top surface? If so there should be a max gap of 1mm around the cables.

pic 5: oh dear, i see the cables do go through a large hole.

And what's that t&e with tape on it? is the sheath short of the enclosure? PVC tape isn't a very professional repair.

pic 8: still no sign of any clips on that bond cable

pic 9: what's this showing us?

pic 11: ah! it's the incoming supply cable - not much you can do about that except perhaps box it in.

pic 13: still no clips on all that height of cable. Rather poor.

Pity we can't see inside that CU

So are you telling us that he has installed a new CU but has NOT issued an Electrical Installation Certificate? And have you recieved a Part P Compliance Certificate from the NICEIC? Can you answer explicitly please

Mr. SLim,Are they "competent" to assess the "paperwork" if they feel they are and, you are unhappy, please ask them to prove their competence I doubt they can.

Please note I have not gome back further in the thread than your last post to make this comment.

IF you require an expert witness as you are still unhappy this can be arranged.
Hello Sidewinder - I think you might be right.

They told me that as there is a gas supply to the property no certificate is necessary.

'They' however 'insist' on having a certificate (although not necessary) which is why I have the 'satisfactory' P.I.R. - to them this exceeds requirements.

I have stated that I think I need a E.I.C. and the Buildings Control informed of the installation but they will not agree this.

I have to agree with the last few posts Mr Slim, there are numerous non compliance issues that are visible from your supplied photos, and this is only what we can see visually, heaven only knows what its like inside. I think you do need to take advise, and get this job done properly.

anyone that has issued a PIR on that install as being 'satisfactory' is completely wrong,

even on a visual, it is unsatisfactory,

as Manator says,

what horrors lurk beneath the surface.......
