Feel like giving it up...

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Not to worry we all have times like this.....

Just feels like the whole world is against you, tomorrow when you wake you could pick up more work than you can handle ;)

Don't give up just keep trying and don't forget they get what they pay for, you will be back there to put it right.

Hard working decent PPL always will be needed:D just not always appreciated

Don't let it get to you Noz , I haven,t worked since last Saturday, three quotes I phoned in were first greeted with a stunned silence, and then were deemed to be far too expensive. (They were not)

Then a local Vet (not Patch) has just phoned to say my quote for emergency lights is fine and to go ahead with it.


I've had a really bad couple of weeks, and it's picking up a bit now, would have had a full day today if it wasn't for the van.. now I'll have to work Saturday to fit in today's work.. never mind!

Normally I don't get to ask "and what were your other quotes?" but this has peed me off a little.. FFS

Don't let it get to you Noz , I haven,t worked since last Saturday, three quotes I phoned in were first greeted with a stunned silence, and then were deemed to be far too expensive. (They were not) Then a local Vet (not Patch) has just phoned to say my quote for emergency lights is fine and to go ahead with it.

he already knows how to scan and copy his own EICs, :run

I dont work for myself per se ATM , for a firm full time and myself out of hours, and sometimes I wonder why I bother on both counts,

at work I am understaffed and work with idiots, have a out of his time person(wont call him a spark for reasons explained) that simply cannot wire a basic standard house, and bosses that seem to think this job is the only one that matters,(ie, the particular one they are in charge of).

as for my own stuff,

same story, people think you should be charging a fiver to get up, start the van and drive for 10miles , work for an hour and write a cert out for all the other stuff bob from the pub done too.

bad day explode

Asked by a plumber i was working with how much i would charge to fit 2 mains smokes,materials provided

the run seems easy from his discription

I've had a really bad couple of weeks, and it's picking up a bit now, would have had a full day today if it wasn't for the van.. now I'll have to work Saturday to fit in today's work.. never mind!Normally I don't get to ask "and what were your other quotes?" but this has peed me off a little.. FFS
I am getting fuel to the pump no problem... it just isn't coming out the other end!

Hopefully it's something like the solenoid and not something that requires the pump to be removed.. although there is some air in the fuel line near the pump and that is not a good sign:(

I am finding that for the first time in 3 years I am losing work on price and it is to bodgers who are not part P. I also wonder why we bother because a lot of Joe public don't know about part P and as such just look for the cheaper quote. Some don't even care about part P! Does my head in as we are losing work by being part P!!

take some rough with the smooth :Salute

altho its getting quite choppy now i must admit/agree

I find that if I am quoting for a job where I have been recommended by a previous customer then the job is almost certain to be won. People are naturally just scared of being ripped off, but if you can win their trust then your 90% there.

The other 10% can please themselves as far as I am concerned..You cant afford to dwell on it too much..its there loss not mine !
