Garage conversion - Certification

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Junior Member
Jun 2, 2012
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I am converting my garage to a bedroom & bathroom.

I would like to run the cabling myself and if possible do the wiring.

I have backbox's and ecotube chased into the walls already

my father-in-law has C&G 2391, can he inspect and signoff the job?

My local council want people with BS7671 to do the work.

or they will get someone to do it fro them(at a price)

what is the best, most econimical way to do this

Please do not flame me, I did try and search first and found nothing.


Talk to your Building Control Officer. It is possible that, because you are doing other work that comes under Building Regulations and you are paying the fees for this, you may be able to include the electrics without paying an additional fee. They may then accept a certificate from an electrician with suitable qualifications e.g. C&G2391. If you were only doing some electrical work instead of your conversion they would require you to pre-notify the work and pay their fee. When this is the case, they usually subcontract the final test and inspection to a local spark and MAY charge you an extra fee for this.

However, if you employ an electrician who is registered with one of the various Part P scheme providers, you wont have to pay anything, or pre-notify, other than the electricians bill for the work. And you might find it cheaper in the long run. ;)

I am converting my garage to a bedroom & bathroom. Do you have plumbers and builders to do thios or is this self build also?I would like to run the cabling myself and if possible do the wiring. If your doing the other works then why not

I have backbox's and ecotube chased into the walls already

my father-in-law has C&G 2391, can he inspect and signoff the job? What is his advise?

My local council want people with BS7671 to do the work.This is standard practice, any electrician would have to be registered under Part P to sign off the works, or you have to give notice and pay the council for inspections.

or they will get someone to do it fro them(at a price) As they should, its normal practice.

what is the best, most econimical way to do this Employ a local domestic installer regitered with one of the scheme providers

Please do not flame me, I did try and search first and found nothing. No problem a reasonable question to ask.

Hello and welcome to the forum, your questions are not unique, often the humble electrician is lost in the costs, because most people think that a cable is a cable and even if installed incorrectly it will work. A good electrician will install everything according to proper calculations and provide the most satisfactory safety aspects.

90% of the electricians work is hidden, 40% is based on hard learning, and 100% is based on being undervalued.

I am converting my garage to a bedroom & bathroom.I would like to run the cabling myself and if possible do the wiring.

I have backbox's and ecotube chased into the walls already

my father-in-law has C&G 2391, can he inspect and signoff the job?

My local council want people with BS7671 to do the work.

or they will get someone to do it fro them(at a price)

what is the best, most econimical way to do this

Please do not flame me, I did try and search first and found nothing.

The simple legal answer to your questions are YES a DIY'er can do all the electrical work themselves..

so yes you can do stuff yourself...


that work MUST to tested correctly in accordance with BS7671 17th edition and an appropriate certificate issued

2391 is a C&G inspection & testing qualification, strictly speaking it in not needed for new installation work..

(it may have been passed many years ago to an earlier version of the regs!)

A qualification such as 2382 showing understanding of 17th edition is more appropriate to current installation work..

the legal & costing bits re LABC and who pays who for testing etc.. can be found in approved document P


download a copy and read pages 10,11,12 they cover the testing & certifications side of stuff...

When you have read that..

come back with any more questions you have got.

Other thoughts...

You say there is a bathroom?

does that include an electric shower?

Are you sure you have calculated the correct cable size and that the existing CU is adequate for the additional load?


{Mods or Admin..

shouldn't this be in the DIY section?}


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