Thank you for the reply. I already had a PIR light but took it down/sent it back due to it starting to get water inside the lamp itself. As i am not an expert can they be fitted to PIR lights? Or would i need to buy a floodlight without sensors (that i can just turn on at the switch and have it on for hours) then do it like that? Thanks.It can be a bit of a swings & roundabouts or six of one half a dozen of the other sort of question..
I've know some decent cheap products last years and more expensive items fail prematurely...
My basic rule is.. Never buy any lamp with a built in sensor device..
far better to have separate lamps / sensors..
then if the sensor does throw a wobber, you don't have to replace a whole lamp!
(generally lights will have a much longer working lifespan than any type of sensor)..
Also.. where possible buy stuff from a local supplier so if it fails within 12months you can physically take it back without any faff of having to return stuff via the post!
If you are only after a simple Dusk/Dawn sensor..
i.e. stays on in the dark without needing to detect any movement..
a simple photocell switch may do? sensor
Just wire it up to any style of light that you prefer.
Hi, to connect a photocell to a Light with a PIR would be pointless, since most mains PIRs have an inbuilt photocell. The "normal" use for a photocell is to turn (some) lights on when it's dark and off when it gets light, unlike a time switch, a photocell never needs not an expert can they be fitted to PIR lights?
Thanks for the reply. I am a numpty regarding this kind of thing, because i've read online that the cell needs to be near the lamp and would it work stuffed inside the junction box? As i said i am dumb to this kind of thing hugely lol so apologies if induce a brain bleed. Would i also need wire nuts too? With a bigger junction box? Wonder if everything would fit in this’s not a problem, it is often better to fit a Junction box then feed out to lights etc, this way the original cables are not going to be too stressed through over manipulation, as the light will disconnect separately.
You could put a slightly larger adapt box and fit one of these into it?
Then just wire your light into box.
Ahhhh ok. So i knock out a hole and it will just stick out of the top while the unit goes inside the box. I have 3 wagos which have 3 connections at the moment. that is like the junction box i have outside nowThat box would probably be large enough, the sensor fits into the 20mm knock out on the top side of box, the small control box would fit inside this box. Connections made not with wire nuts but Wagos. You will need 4 wagos of 2 and 3 connection ways. I’ll find a link
because i've read online that the cell needs to be near the lamp and would it work stuffed inside the junction box?
Yes they are 20mm threaded as you say so a threaded entry would be best like with a Wiska box.I believe that these have a screw thread on them and come with a lock nut to fix then firmly, I also suspect that the rather large black material around the sensor may be a waterproof seal???