Hello, looking for some stories

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Pauline, I think that you might be hard-pressed to find anybody to talk seriously to you. The main reason for this is that when anybody wants to "interview" ANY tradespeople, it's with a view to trashing the people within that trade and most tradespeople are wary of this fact.

Look at the current stock of programs, rogue trader being the most prominent. When did you last see a program entitled Rogue Client? You won't because it's not sensational enough, the public don't want to know about honest traders and crooked clients. probably because of some sort of guilt complex.

Are you really trying to document stories of how a professional got an amateur out of trouble, or are you going to follow the crowd and try to make the professional look like an amateur?

Sorry for my scepticism, but some of us have been burnt before.

The current stock of programs look highly staged to me, I can not believe that when they show the program on the TV they even get the basic of facts wrong.

We watch those that interest us as electricians and are always amazed at the incorrect facts that are spouted, often because the research is so poor, I have even e-mailed the program producers and offered my services as an independent advisor for free, just so that when they do wish to comment on a regulation it actually is factual and not made up. So far I have not even received a reply. I can only surmise from this that they are not really interested in getting the fact right, just in making a good show.

However I do believe that what Pauline is looking for are the DIY disasters that at some point we are all guilty of. Not only in electrical but in general, the problem I find with most tradesmen is that we have very little time at home to do our own jobs, and when they go wrong we are reluctant to admit to them. My own home requires a rewire however I have no time to do it myself and if I hired anyone they would hate working on my behalf:)

I think the intentions that Pauline had was to contact and survey general public DIY disasters, and not to target any trades person.

The problem with DIY electrics is the homeowner often does have a nightmare but because it works they think they have done it correctly.

I started my kitchen over 4 years ago and was without anything but a sink from July until xmas eve, most of it is finished now,the bathroom is in a state of undress, but the shower works ok, thats another 6month ongoing thing, apart from the bath taps have been disconnected since the middle of last year! :eek:

I blame the missus, why cant she wait until one thing is finished before she wants another started?


Thats super quick. It took me 8 years to fit the doors to my kitchen cupboards and a further 2 years to fit the handles. The lighting was a 110v fluorecent on a tripod for 5 of those, even though the cables were there above the ceiling. What pushed me into finishing it all was not the other half leaving me (and blaming this as one of many points) but i had relatives from overseas visiting. The breakfast bar was propped up on the boxes all the doors were in plus bits of cardboard to level & to make it worse it only took about 4 hours to fit all the doors and assemble the cupboards under the breakfast bar, shorter than the time i spent leveling the boxes every week
Hi, thanks for the replies.Steptoe, it would be good to hear your DIY stories further if you are interested in talking to me for the case study?
I have no interest in talking to you at all, my house is fine, and it was fine even before I started,


the wife may have differing views to me about this, she tends to have the 'wrong' views on most things where I am concerned,!

so if you wish to talk to her then by all means,

but remember, it was her that wanted to fix something that wasnt broke in the first place, so its her own fault its still not to her liking,

will it ever be?!

I would imagine the only way she will ever be happy with the state of the house is when I start living in the shed! :eek:


thinking now,,,,,

I need a bigger shed.!

Hi Springcrocus,

I understand that there's these programmes out there and I quite agree that there aren't shows that show clients fleecing tradesmen for work they have done. The subject of these studies I am looking for is people who are doing it themselves and have maybe created more of a nightmare and the idea is that they would be given help to repair the damage. I joined the site in case there was any DIYers coking here lookin for advice about DIY in the hope that they might be interested.



Hi Springcrocus,I understand that there's these programmes out there and I quite agree that there aren't shows that show clients fleecing tradesmen for work they have done. The subject of these studies I am looking for is people who are doing it themselves and have maybe created more of a nightmare and the idea is that they would be given help to repair the damage. I joined the site in case there was any DIYers coking here lookin for advice about DIY in the hope that they might be interested.


From some of the Threads id say there's a lot of DIYers on here, some possibly working in homes and business near you:0
