at least its all sorted. and better than having to claim on insurance, and end up paying the cost on next years premium
not sure about cistern internals but will check it out. thanks for helpful infoWhat sort of flush mechanism is inside the toilet cistern? A lot of syphon mechanisms basically limit the amount of water that can flow from a single flush. We have converted our home toilets to these stupidly simple flappy plug type valves. So simple and effective, and if you just hold the lever (or button) longer then you can empty the whole cistern full of water in one flush if you have had, what we may call a large deposit donated into the pan! This one converts to a push button rather than a lever arrangement. At the end of the day the maximum size of your flush is dependant firstly upon the water volume of your cistern, then the type of flush mechanism. These type of valves maximise your flush as big as is feasible possible.
Doc H.
the 'pipe' I have in mind is a 'channel' pipe, ie has no top just a sweeping channel - a bend with a large cut out - the other pipe for?
if it was mine, id probably try and tidy up the bottom a bit, maybe cement the side and make it a bit smoother or line it with fibreglass or something, but i wouldnt try and fit a pipe over both ends and leave in inaccessable
fully trained and certified for work in a confined space. Just need a load of paperwork and a 5 man team standing behind meshould work, just awkward access
dont forget the potentially dangerous fumes down there either if you have you head down there