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Before christmas I posted about the same sort of thing (might even have been the same crowd). Anyway I did end up on their register (didnt say yes to them they assumed I would do the work) & it works like this;

You get a text message giving:

  • tennants post code.
  • breifest of job descriptions.
  • how much you will be paid.
  • a job ref number.

If you do/do not want to do the job you reply to the premium rate number Y or N.

If you do want the job you will receive the tennants:


contact number.

you then have 12 or 24 hours (memory loss as to which) to arrange with the tennant access.

Upon completion of the work you then have to send pdf of invoice & certs to email address of the company (this email address is the only means of contact you will have for any issues with the company).

As per your email from them, they want you to have or give no indication that you are a contractor/sole trader (no logo on clothing/no cards/no mention of other work required). you can only do get by repairs for faults & then you email the requirements to sort the fault properly & they then tell you how much they'll pay to get the work done.

So they dictate what you earn/what you say to the customer/how you present yourself & vehicle (signage) to the customer/ and charge you to text yes you want the job.

The one job I sent through was PAT'ing 2x fully furnished flats. instructions were "test all electrical appliance/items in both properties"

Payment I would receive was

When I worked here the company consisted of only the husband and wife

son and daughter and son in law and of course myself

Smart Elec: slap

Often the most noble of thoughts start with an idea, the lust for fortune often end in tragidy

Where and how do I PM?
Click my user name & from there you will get an option.I'll PM you.
Or you can click the "PM" tab, between the "Edit Post" and "Reply" on the bootom right of every post (Except for your own posts). :)

As per attachment below:


I have only read a little of their homepage and have already come across spelling mistakes and another error.

Hi, I like the;

"and you must only discuss the works/faults etc with us and NOT directly with the tenant or occupiers at the property"

So if you discover something potentially or actually dangerous, you are not allowed to tell the tenant!!!! And who do you think will get the blame if something does go wrong??

I think a judge might well take the view that as a qualified electrician, if you knew of a fault then you had a DUTY to advise the tenant and as/if you did not, then you would be found to have been negligent.... Do not think i would be doing that.


Have you looked at their tariffs? Landlord Packages Southampton | British Gas | Homeserve | Landlord Safety Certificate Whats all that "you must only discuss the works/faults etc with us and NOT directly with the tenant or occupiers at the property. Should an occupier request information, you must inform them to contact the (our) office only" It all sounds very restricting to me.Doc H.
in other words there rough and will try to claim etc prob council or housing

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 22:11 ---------- Previous post was made at 21:59 ----------

i have worked for these guys and have never had a problem. they pay well and are very friendly!
really... interesting first post

I was very interested in your posting. All I would say is that what you see is what you get or maybe you might get more than you bargain for. If like me you find the wording somewhat intimidating you are not wrong.

Having personal experience of these people my advice would be BEWARE. There is a reason why non contact or discussion with the tenants/occupiers is demanded - just think about it. Personal experience would discreetly

point out to you that those to whom you are not to talk' may 'be on the receiving end of some very dubious treatment. Good luck and take care.

Having worked for the director for two years I would have to disagree with you. I can't tell you what they are like now as I am no longer there but I was working with this company a long time and can tell you that from my personal experience the morels of the director are to high to leave tenants in danger. The wording they have used as per pervious threads and comments are tough. But I don't believe they are there to rip you or anybody off I think it is to stop landlord response from being ripped off and undercut. And any of you that own your own business know this does happen!! The owner is a well respected person within the lettings Market and if you just take the time to look at their website you will see great reviews from real landlords and lettings managers, I can promise you they are not fake as I was there at the time some of these glowing references were put in place. This is a growing business and I would think that as self employed people yourself maybe you would have somekind of understanding toward there position

Having worked for the director for two years I would have to disagree with you. I can't tell you what they are like now as I am no longer there but I was working with this company a long time and can tell you that from my personal experience the morels of the director are to high to leave tenants in danger. The wording they have used as per pervious threads and comments are tough. But I don't believe they are there to rip you or anybody off I think it is to stop landlord response from being ripped off and undercut. And any of you that own your own business know this does happen!! The owner is a well respected person within the lettings Market and if you just take the time to look at their website you will see great reviews from real landlords and lettings managers, I can promise you they are not fake as I was there at the time some of these glowing references were put in place. This is a growing business and I would think that as self employed people yourself maybe you would have somekind of understanding toward there position
are you and him the same person by any chance?
This is a growing business and I would think that as self employed people yourself maybe you would have somekind of understanding toward there position
Not when its a business doing nothing but skimming from the fees in an industry they shouldn't be involved in and know nothing about. Maybe next time I do work for a landlord I'll offer to let the property for him as well, cut out the letting agent. Or maybe just pass the property on to a sole trading letting agent for peanuts.

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Same organisation referred to on this landlords forum in April 2011? Landlord Response (landlordresponse.co.uk)) I personally cannot comment as I have no direct knowledge or contact with these people. Though it does appear that there could have been some dubious business practices earlier this year. As with many things nowadays always try and get independent references and recommendations before committing to anything. It is very easy for any business to produce a slick looking website with all sorts of testimonials and statements saying how good something is.

Doc H.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 14:56 ---------- Previous post was made at 14:14 ----------

I think it prudent to make clear that the forum is aware that all businesses in any market sector can go through a bad period and receive a high level of complaints from dissatisfied customers and subsequently implement improvements, that turn the businesses operations around again to a high level of customer satisfaction. Without direct first hand knowledge full comment cannot be passed on any companies business practices. However our members are entitled to their own personal opinions based on past experience or knowledge of similar business models run by other organisations. Gut instinct and common sense can be a valuable tool in decision making.

Doc H.

Having worked for the director for two years I would have to disagree with you. I can't tell you what they are like now as I am no longer there but I was working with this company a long time and can tell you that from my personal experience the morels of the director are to high to leave tenants in danger. The wording they have used as per pervious threads and comments are tough. But I don't believe they are there to rip you or anybody off I think it is to stop landlord response from being ripped off and undercut. And any of you that own your own business know this does happen!! The owner is a well respected person within the lettings Market and if you just take the time to look at their website you will see great reviews from real landlords and lettings managers, I can promise you they are not fake as I was there at the time some of these glowing references were put in place. This is a growing business and I would think that as self employed people yourself maybe you would have somekind of understanding toward there position
like many people are going to believe you, especially when this is your first post... anyone can post anything on the net....

After reading all the posts here and the various comments here is what i think..

legitimate business ????? ok

providing a service for landlords at a good price for them ????? maybe

taking advantage of experienced sparkies trying to earn a living with rates similar to minimum wage OH YES
