How To Get Work Experience

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New member
Dec 12, 2014
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Stratford upon Avon
Hello I am a mom of a young man studying to be an electrician he is 17 and on a level 1 course at college.

Is it possible in the modern days of health and safety to have some kind of work experience with a company 

What is the best way forward in terms of gaining hands on practical experience esp as he is a very hands on practical



Hia Sandy, does your sons college not have a placement type department at all?

Does your son have a Drivers Licence? it will make it wasier for him to find work.

At worst it might be easier to find a trade employment agency for him, if you are stuck, I have made up My own list for these.

Andy Guinness

not sure about collge they said they sometimes have people come in (apprentices i think)  and the companies ask if they have someone they could send out.  

He is only learning at the minute but is keen to get on the road which I know will be a big help 

Trade employment agency ??? 

Welcome to the forum Sandy8, I also think whatever avenues you are pursuing you will get a greater chance of a good response if you son does the asking himself. Electrical work like many other trades requires people to be able to show initiative, think for themselves, stand on their own two feet, take responsibility for their work and understand the dangers and risks with electrical installations. As they will be working with a product that can kill a healthy adult in a very quick time. If there were 10 lads looking for some placement work, as well as general appearance, qualifications, time keeping etc, if one has to rely on mom to do the asking for him then I think that the others who can communicate themselves will be higher up the selection list. At the age of 17 he should be able to communicate for himself now.

Doc H.

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I agree and he can do that himself no probs I'm just being a nosey but ignorant mom looking for some help to guide him shall we say to check he's going in the right direction. Not all kids have parents who care these days and when he asks me for advice I would rather not have the answer ERM I don't know. 

Hiya. Glad to hear there is some young blood interested in our trade! I would echo what the other guys said, and advise your son to contact local electricians and basically "state his case." Young cousin of mine found his electricians apprenticeship by doing just that. If he is polite and explains what he would like to achieve then most companies should be pretty helpful. Worst that can happen is they say no!
