Went to look at a CCTV camera - stopped working - in a public house this morning.
The camera takes a 230V supply, so has a 1361 plugtop on it, with a 3A fuse in.
The single socket it plugs into is on a 0.5mm 3 core flex, approx 10 metres, to a fused spur - which had a 13A fuse in!
The spur is supplied from an adjacent socket outlet - the circuit is derived from a TPN DB, via a "Bill" C20 MCB (3871).
The TPN DB is on a B63 Wylex from the origin.
The 13A fuse in the spur had blown. I tested the extension cable, to the single socket, ins, with Phase and Neutral together, as I couldn`t access the socket (customers in premises) - so checking to earth. >1000Meg @ 1KV. Happy days.
Replaced the fuse with a 3A, and the camera starts working - no fault.
However, it turns out that, when the 13A fuse went, the C20 on the TPN tripped too.........
As did the B63; taking out the whole DB.
So there was a BIG fault occurred on this cable - which then "blew clear", and works fine - but took out everything back down the line.
I may be getting thick in my old age; but I cannot envisage any possible scenario where this could happen! Anyone got any ideas???
The camera takes a 230V supply, so has a 1361 plugtop on it, with a 3A fuse in.
The single socket it plugs into is on a 0.5mm 3 core flex, approx 10 metres, to a fused spur - which had a 13A fuse in!
The spur is supplied from an adjacent socket outlet - the circuit is derived from a TPN DB, via a "Bill" C20 MCB (3871).
The TPN DB is on a B63 Wylex from the origin.
The 13A fuse in the spur had blown. I tested the extension cable, to the single socket, ins, with Phase and Neutral together, as I couldn`t access the socket (customers in premises) - so checking to earth. >1000Meg @ 1KV. Happy days.
Replaced the fuse with a 3A, and the camera starts working - no fault.
However, it turns out that, when the 13A fuse went, the C20 on the TPN tripped too.........
As did the B63; taking out the whole DB.
So there was a BIG fault occurred on this cable - which then "blew clear", and works fine - but took out everything back down the line.
I may be getting thick in my old age; but I cannot envisage any possible scenario where this could happen! Anyone got any ideas???