LED Strange light flashing

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Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score
North West
Hi all

I have  a GJD 4 zone DigiZone system with opal external detectors.

The 4 rear LED floodlights are on two zones with two lights on each and randomly two of the heads repeatedly flash when triggered, it happens on 1 light on each zone so unlikely be the PIR.

I dont know if it is related but when we have a heavy storm my external light circuit trips out although I suspect this is a faulty side bulkhead on another zone as I had to replace a similar one last year as it was full of water.

the LED company referred me back to Digizone & Digizone refered me back to the LED company.

Anyone shed any light on this please.

@Lurch @Murdoch . @nogger   After some discussions with the forum moderators, I have deleted all unhelpful postings from all sides. Lurch and Murdoch, play nicely, any further argument will result in a temporary ban from this forum.

With regards to LED lighting and control systems, it's not always possible to find fully compatible gear. Because the Chinese frequently change the components used, I've found many control gear suppliers will no longer recommend a make of light to work with their systems. However it is always worth checking the obvious like loose connections, I would also be checking if the loading is correct, ie the minimum load has been reached for the control circuity.

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It was installed about two years ago and I supplied the equipment based on the sparks recommendation, I wanted some advice before I called him and I suppose I was hoping someone might say something like "definitely the LED lights as this is a classic sign of LED failure" or something similar, as I would then take it up with the light supplier and hopefully have two new units replaced under the two year warranty here for him when he arrives. Unfortunately the GJD & PSU are out of warranty.

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The 4 rear LED floodlights are on two zones with two lights on each and randomly two of the heads repeatedly flash when triggered, it happens on 1 light on each zone so unlikely be the PIR.
Are these the instructions http://www.gjd.co.uk/sites/default/files/pdf-files/dygizone_installation_guide_.pdf

There is a manual override which bypasses the PIRs, so you can test it is not the PIRs

If it is a different light which is flickering each time in the same zone, the problem seems most likely to be in the controller.

Yes I have done the override and two of the four still flash rapidly. This happens at all times day and night in all weather. I think the trip out is related to a side bulkhead.


GJD is usually very good, my money is on the LED flood lights.

nogger as, said, can you switch the fllood lights on and see what happens.

Are these the instructions http://www.gjd.co.uk/sites/default/files/pdf-files/dygizone_installation_guide_.pdf

There is a manual override which bypasses the PIRs, so you can test it is not the PIRs

If it is a different light which is flickering each time in the same zone, the problem seems most likely to be in the controller.

If you have switched on manual over ride and some lights flash. you need new lights.

as an aside, today I saw a flashing flood light in a car park. nothing to do with me, just one out of about 6 just flashing.

So it looks like its not uncommon for cheap led lights to flash

Took down a faulty LED garden floodlight on Friday, works of a bog standard stand-alone movement sensor...

Customers reported fault  "light is flashing on/off" when the sensor triggers.

Checked it directly of perm supply...  Flashing like a light house!!!!

This particular light fitting was just under two and a half years old..

Its not the first LED light fitting I've seen fail prematurely... and I doubt it will be the last!

Sounds to me like noggers lamps could be going the same way.



It was installed about two years ago and I supplied the equipment based on the sparks recommendation,

What was the average lifespan for the lamps...?

e.g.  typically could be 10,000hrs,  20,000hrs,    30,000hrs etc.. etc..  or any figure x1000..

If you allow for the fact that there are less than 9000hrs in a year..

even if left switched permanently on they are probably below their recommended lifespan...

Or you may not have even owned them long enough to reach the manufactures quoted average lifespan. ??

so irrespective of any manufactures warranties you should still have grounds to get some replacement or refund as

you can claim they are not fit for purpose or of merchantable quality, to meet the advertised specification that you purchased them for..

Thus probably contravene 'the Sale of goods act' or 'the Supply of goods and services act'..

That's all assuming you still have your receipts for where you purchased them from?


ignore the average life written on the box...it's a bit 'spurious'

Trading standards may not consider writing unrealistic claims on the side of any product about its performance or lifespan as spurious...

I think that's one of the things the "trades Descriptions act" is supposed to combat...

i.e.  You cannot claim something is "all singing AND dancing" if it is only "singing" OR "dancing"

An expected lifespan is a very relevant factor that a consumer would consider when comparing two products..

especially when they cost bucket loads more than a bog standard filament or halogen lamp.


There was an article I read about "average lifespan" that pointed out from a sample tested some lasted much longer and some lasted much shorter..

But the bulk lasted for the "average lifespan"...

So its quite reasonable to think that those that fail early are also quite normal...


If you are a regular purchaser of items from a certain supplier..

and you still have original receipt and copy of original specification for a particular lamp or light fitting with integral LED

It is often in their best interests to just replace or refund rather than upset a good customer.

I have had this a few times with LED's that are nearer 3 years old than a 1 year warranty!

Might not be quite so easy for a private non-trade customer though?

But no harm in asking?


I think , with LEDs , the technology is so new and constantly changing , it is very difficult to identify a "quality" product .    Its good to see products like CJD   being recommended .   I recently bought some KSR  instead of the usual JCC  ...they appear to be of good quality , time will tell. 

Please do come back and let us know what happens. So many don't and we never know if they have toasted themselves, fixed it with our advice, blown it up with our advice ( NOBODY is perfect, not even Electricians: but we are close)

and i apologise for any any negative comments that may have been given...it is not the way of most of us. Even though on occasions I can sometimes stop being a soft fluffy kitten like cutie and come across a tad terse , some may even say intolerant

@nogger as per @kerchings post, do please come back and tells us if you find a solution. Apologies for the behavior of some members on here, unfortunately the moderators , owners, and better members of this forum tend to be very busy (because they are good electricians) and have lives to live, so we can't always stop things from happening.  The founding principle of this forum was to try and stop the abuse and vitriol commonly found elsewhere - we do have off days though even then. I will be watching Lurch and Murdoch closely, and if necessary will ban them. 

Please do come back and let us know what happens. So many don't and we never know if they have toasted themselves, fixed it with our advice, blown it up with our advice ( NOBODY is perfect, not even Electricians: but we are close)

and i apologise for any any negative comments that may have been given...it is not the way of most of us. Even though on occasions I can sometimes stop being a soft fluffy kitten like cutie and come across a tad terse , some may even say intolerant
You  !!! Intolerant !!!!  no never Attilla , not you ! 
