Am I allowed to type a reply to this post without being accused of picking holes... being argumentative/aggressive etc.. etc..Pray:x
side note ;
obviously one persons opinion of healthy debate .... after deliberately trying to provoke debate... but then not liking the way others may type there answers because it brings into question their understanding is not necessarily the same as others?
Also not helped by other members comments re-picking fights? phtt!
Indeed, I am at a loss as to how to debate without referring to the posts others make e.g. quoting, without then being shot at for identifying apparent errors in a statement.. which too me is what the debate and discussion is all about..
And which by its very nature would involve a level of personal opinion which can either be backed up with other reference material.. to verify a point of view or not! in which case it is just personal unverified opinion!.
I am all for people having their own opinions.... But personally I do heed more attention to those that are able to back by any specifics with references!
If anyone is offended by that again I am sorry
And as Paul M said
If you are just expecting wholehearted agreement both in content and style of posting, without constructive discussion then that ain't a forum IMHO:|
again I would point out I don't do name calling or abusive language which are totally unnecessary & admin would step in anyway if that occurred!
so Mr Shakey SirGuiness Drink
I would agree entirely that in a real world situation an RCD would, (as long as it is not jammed), operate faster than an MCB in the event of an earth fault. {tho I have seen failed RCDs & assume most others have to?}
BUT.... (assume we are talkin TN installations NOT TT for the moment)
an RCD is classed as "ADDITIONAL PROTECTION" and is NOT recognised as the sole means of protection. I believe regs 415.1, 415.1.1, 415.1.2 clarify this bit. The ADS "Automatic Disconnection of Supply" should still have a device complying with section 411. whereby the Zs values are still relevant.
otherwise... they would have been taken out the big red book!
I assume you can agree with this?
or if not point me to the reg I have missed please sir?Blushing:x
cuz I certainly dont know em all! :^O :^O:^O
nor would I claim too... but I now know how to cut rabbits claws!Blushing

Guiness Drink
well it seems we do agree on something! the right to reply in ones own style, genre, etc. Which considering the response to my original post on this subject (cue extended lectures on the way i should be posting and the content of what i should be posting

) is sometthing i should be allowed to do
And yes i delberately provoke debate (but not argument), because those that know - discuss, and those that dont - learn, which was why i post as i do, and why i occasionally give (and shall continue to give) vague answers.
Ok, i have had this discussion many, many times, and there is a common misconception when it is discussed.......
Firstly that i am in someway suggesting that RCD's can be used as the sole means of protection (i am not)
and secondly, "what happens if the RCD fails, as they so often do?". Well what happens when a 60898 fails? come to think of it, when do we ever test either the thermal or electro-magnetic elements of an MCB? The point being that when deisgning a circuit we must surely start with the premise that any protective device selected (including an RCD) will preform its required function - we do not (or should not) design our circuit with the notion that devices are going to fail.
Ok, down to your points raised.
BUT.... (assume we are talkin TN installations NOT TT for the moment)
an RCD is classed as "ADDITIONAL PROTECTION" and is NOT recognised as the sole means of protection. I believe regs 415.1, 415.1.1, 415.1.2 clarify this bit. The ADS "Automatic Disconnection of Supply" should still have a device complying with section 411. whereby the Zs values are still relevant.
yes an RCD CAN be classed as giving additional protection.......
against contact with live parts....but must not be relied upon for for primary protection. of course that concerns basic protection , but the discussion is to with max Zs values, which is about fault protection, and is an entriely seperate discussion.
(and i aplogise in advance for any notions of egg sucking, but obviously people will read this who may be learning at the same time.)
I absolutely agree that to satisfy ADS then there should be a device complying with section 411.
But lets also remember one important thing - we are discussing max Zs - ie max earth fault loop impedence
we protect final circuits against overloads, short circuits and earth faults.
the only one of these that is affected by Zs is earth faults. Overloads and short circuits may be protected by fuse or circuit breaker (ie the thermal element and electro-magnetic elements respectively of an MCB),
however, (and yes i will get to the pointBlushing) earth fault protection may be provided by a fuse, circuit breaker
so, an RCD MAY be used as the sole means of protection (as in protective device) against earth faults. Of course you would still have a fuse or MCB for overload/short circuit, but the RCD (alone) can be there for the earth faults.
Now where this is the case, and i would suggest that where a 30mA RCD is used in conjunction with a MCB/fuse then this would nearly ALWAYS be the case, then, to quote a number of notable publications (well quote as best i can without the books in front of meBlushing)
"measuring values of Zs is a futile excersize"
"the value of earth fault loop impedence need only be measured with a low resolution ohmeter capable of measuring values of 1667 ohms"
"For TN systems when protection is afforded by an RCD, the rated residual operating current in amperes times the earth fault loop impedence in ohms should not exceed 50V"
and of course, that is satisfied for a 30mA RCD if the EFLI is 1667 ohms or less.
so, to clarify, an RCD may be used as the sole protective device for protection against earth faults - but not the sole protective device
per se, and where it is used as the protecive device against earth faults, the Zs value for that circuit need only be 1667 ohms or less, REGARDLESS of the max value for any MCB / fuse which may be used for overload/short circuit but not selected as the protective device for earth faults.
and before it is raised, I am not in any way suggesting that it excuses the designer from trying to keep the value of Zs as low as possible, or that throwing an RCD at a circuit can be used to cover up poor design/installation
erm....or something? :|
good discussion though? it always is!!!!!