Mft calibration prices

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Oct 8, 2024
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Hi all, I’m about to get my first mft calibrated, I’ve been looking at different companies and the prices vary from roughly 80 to 150 . Is this the right price range ? And any recommendations for a good price and quick turnaround would be appreciated thank you .
I get mine done when wholesalers have a Trade day. Last time it was about £40, that was 2 months ago
That's cheap. I normally pay around £85, we have a company that does calibration work in Plymouth. They have a proper test lab that reminds me of when I worked in a similar environment calibrating and maintaining test gear as part of my apprenticeship.
I use a local test instrument supplier that has a UKAS accredited calibration lab, usually around a 48 hour turnround which allows for a 24 hour aclimatisation prior to calibration to ensure accuracy of the calibration costs about £80 - £90 I think
Never sure about these wholesaler trade day calibrations as there are potentially too many variables which could affect the outcome / accuracy of the calibration
As well as getting an annual calibration throughout the year I periodically verify the meter with a calibration check box