New Proposals For Periodic Inspection Reports

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Yes that looks like a sensible improvement, something the customer might even have a chance of understanding.

Also like the check list style inspection schedule

Easier to work from and provides clear requirements for all to work to

Funny enough, I agree with both of you.

I don`t think it will make producing PIRs simpler; quite the opposite in fact......

I do like the idea of the checklist, but the number of pages required for even a moderate sized premises is going to get very big very quickly.......

Apart from the checklists, and the inclusion of the incoming supply equipment, I don`t see a vast amount of difference.

Naturally, they`re going to take us longer to compile, therefore they`ll have to cost more....... Which STILL leaves the cowboys free rein to undercut, and produce "out-of-date" certs. Will the customer give a toss, if its cheaper? Probably not.

(initial thoughts)


Funny enough, I agree with both of you.I don`t think it will make producing PIRs simpler; quite the opposite in fact......

I do like the idea of the checklist, but the number of pages required for even a moderate sized premises is going to get very big very quickly.......

Apart from the checklists, and the inclusion of the incoming supply equipment, I don`t see a vast amount of difference.

Naturally, they`re going to take us longer to compile, therefore they`ll have to cost more....... Which STILL leaves the cowboys free rein to undercut, and produce "out-of-date" certs. Will the customer give a toss, if its cheaper? Probably not.

(initial thoughts)

Which is not our property and we are not allowed to touch.

So we are to be made responsible for equipment that the DNO`s will not let us touch e.g. remove fuse.

We are either competent to work on the mains equipment or we are not - the DNO`s are trying to put the onus on US to provide an inspection regime for THEM.

Maybe I'm being cynical but is the proposed new inspection schedule listing every single thing to be inspected rather than expecting electricians to understand what they should be inspecting?

No shots fired in your direction by me Zeespark, thanks for posting this, it's always good to have an idea of the next ammendment before forking out

When I get the DPC from the IET do you all want to prepare a reasoned and clear response that I will then put forward?

I no longer sit on committee up there as I resigned when the self employed workload got too much.

However, I am still an ordinary member and I do have a few direct lines "in".

IIRC I have Geoff C's direct dial no.

Maybe I'm being cynical but is the proposed new inspection schedule listing every single thing to be inspected rather than expecting electricians to understand what they should be inspecting?
It appears to be a collection of "idiot sheets" for the inexperienced/unqualified/untrained individuals that carry out so many of the PIR`s, especially under the dangerous QS system.

It appears to be a collection of "idiot sheets" for the inexperienced/unqualified/untrained individuals that carry out so many of the PIR`s, especially under the dangerous QS system.
So don't you think it will assist them to come in to line with a better standard of inspection ?

My concern is, will the software given free with various multimeters be updated free of charge or even at all.

I like the new system, the check list if worked right should be a good addition and bring all pir's up to standard.

Many times I have been told on site that the last inspector did not do that or do this.

