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Junior Member
Jan 27, 2009
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Hello all.

Just going throught the process of becoming an electrical installer, with only 17th edition and Part P to complete (basically all of it)

Teaching myself 17th edition, as not willing to pay

Hello Graeme,

Welcome to the forum.

It is my lecturer that owns the website, and he got me through the 2382-10. ;D

Where abouts are you from?

Hi there

Thanks for the reply

I live in Bournemouth, on the 'not so sunny' south coast


Welcome Graeme, been through all of what your doing and other courses as well, good luck, don't be afraid to ask questions on here the people here are really friendly and helpful even to numpties like meBlushing

Hello Graeme, welcome to the forum.

don't be afraid to ask questions on here the people here are really friendly and helpful even to numpties like meBlushing
Very true Mikel, but obviously you are not a numptie. because numpties don't ask questions to find out answers.

Doc H.

Thinking of regestering with elecsa on completion of part P (any feeback on them would be appreciated) NIC seem very expensive and Napit don't seem to be accepting installers.
you can join elecsa with 17th, probably ask you more question on I&T if you dont have those qualifications

Hi Graeme

To do 17th edition without the course is difficult due to the restrictive practices of the colleges. We found a local independant training facility who were prepared for us to just take the exam - but even then it was well overpriced for what was involved. C & G no help whatsoever. Keep looking and nagging - you might get somewhere in your area.

The 17th edition is a funny exam. If you have good referencing skills and a good grounding in English - then it's easy to pass. If you've got an academic bias you could teach yourself in a couple of days. It doesn't mean that you are a competant electrician - I've learnt a lot from artisans who can explain it all to anyone - but can't pass this exam due to dislexia etc.

Doesn't seem fair.

Good luck and welcome to the forum

hello Graeme......... welcome Guiness Drink

welcome Guiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink

welcome Guiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink

did i say?

Welcome? Guiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink

you better finish this last pint off I'm bladderd!Guiness Drink

oh by the way......


Applaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud SmileyGuiness Drink:x;)

Hello and welcome from me too.
oh shut up! ]:)

you are always just jumping on other peoples bandwagons!! :eek:

If you really really really meant it...

You would have been first! :| :eek: :^OBlushing;)Guiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink

Many thanks to all for your kind, warming and slightly drunken welcomes!!

Looks like I've chosen the right forum for the best advice.

Have found Guildford College who are willing to do the 17th edition Full exam only for

Unfortunately this isn't really teaching me the regs, just how to navigate them. I've bought a couple of Brian Scadden's books which are excellent for a newbie like myself as they put everything in laymens terms.
nowt wrong with that. You can't know them all. To common ones you use everyday will stick, but the less common ones - if you can locate them is more than good enough. It's why it's an open book exam :D

Considor it a success!


Good point Apache, when I first looked at the book I may as well have been looking at manual in quantam physics.

Very daunting until I realised it's just one big health and safety manual and that many of the regs seem to point you to another one which then just refers you back to the original?! It's certainly not a book you could take to the loo to read!

Can you take the On Site Guide into the exam too? A couple of sites I've read seem to think that you can.

seem to point you to another one which then just refers you back to the original?!Sounds like a "Call Center".

Can you take the On Site Guide into the exam too?
No, you can't, Mate. It's based on the Big Red Book.