Spin I will try to explain in laymans terms and remain as objective as I can.
Here is an example of a wiring plan to a normal 3 bed semi.
two socket circuits
two lighting circuits
one cooker circuit
one kitchen circuit
No cables at this time run to a special location ie bathroom.
Then if I take a feed from the upstairs RCD protected sockets, and ran the lighting from this spur into the bathroom it would have complied with the regulations.
Now same thing but there is no RCD protected circuits in the CU.
So I take a feed from the upstairs sockets as in the first example, but use a RCD spur for the feed into the bathroom, again I have complied with the regulations.
As for the example with the 3amp fuse I really dont see how anyone could confuse the protection a fuse gives, because it is fitted on the line as is all fuses and circuit breakers.
The regulations are not there to confuse anyone, only to give a guideline as to the tried and tested methods of installations, that will meet all the requirements.
You can totally deviate from ALL regulations, providing that what you do is no less safe, and is a viable solution to the installation in hand.
The greatest danger I see from anyone attempting any installation is misinterpretation of the regulations. This would imply that a full working knowledge of electrical science has not been properly grasped.
At this moment I can see your arguments, and why you make them, but you have yet to consider that you may have misinterpreted the regulations.
I have just done a rewire where even though the cables are less than 50mm deep hidden in the walls, there are no RCD's in the CU.
Now your argument would be that under the regulations they should be.
However I have wired the circuits in a cable that under the regulations does not require additional RCD protection, and is stated in the regulations for such use.Often handy if you need to wire sensitive equipment, without the nuisance that a tripping RCD would impose.
I would agree that when some posts are made, the poster is or can be very vague and not able to express properly what they actually mean, or the post appears to be taken in the wrong context it was meant to.
This does not however mean they are stupid, or otherwise. There are a vast number of members on this forum who help with practical advise, and it is given with no reward other than to see that some person would gain from the vast experiances they have had.
If you feel strongly that someone is wrong, and it does happen from time to time, but is often picked up by more forum members, then if you argue the point you must quote the relevant regulations to back up your rebuff.
This would be the only standard from which anyone can see where your argument lies, and would form a starting point for any counter claim.
It is no use sticking to what you "think" or "believe", because no amount of debate will ever convince you otherwise.
I have been in this game for ages, some of you younger members where not even born when I started out, my youngest son is 22 this year, and yet I learned something new on this forum, where I was convinced before hand that I was right and they where wrong. (Thanks again Special Location).
So there it is, thats all I wanted to say, and even I would admit defeat, and have done, and I am not ashamed to say so, because I get better, or find faster more productive ways to navigate the regulations.