not looking forward

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Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
South Ayrshire, Scotland
I've been reading some posts on here by the general public, and I'm not looking forward to dealing with them as some of them seem like know it alls who won't take what seems like sound advice (I know nothing at this stage) from qualified and respected members and they just fob it off like yous know nothing. I'm not looking forward to having to argue my point with a customer who thinks he knows better than someone who is qualified. Sorry for my rant I know I'm only an apprentice and know nothing of dealing with customers lol



True, this orig ally came from the topic of the pub lights vs RCD tripping and that guy just wouldn't listen to anyone an I was just thinking my god is this was I have to look forward to dealing with lol

Bah ! Customers !!! Who needs 'em !!! :C

Bob it 'aint just customers , you can include builders and all sorts in that.

The world is full of nice people and then some a$$hole comes along to spoil it for you .

I find a lot of well orf people are a PITA . They seem to think that being more properous than you gives them the right to browbeat you and in a couple of cases , you find the IEE Regs do not apply to them !!

I think I told this on here before but here it is again. Many years back , working for a B,ham contractor, me and apprenti; are sent to a really posh area in Solihull to do a minor job in garage . The woman is obnoxious, tells us to move the van off the drive , I want no mess or noise , I want you gone in an hour . (Obviously no cuppa then !!!) "How much is this going to cost us " she demands. " Phone the office " I say. "I will , you can stop work until I've spoken to them . Basically thinks she can treat you like $heet .

By midday we go an old dear's terrace house in run down area of B,ham .Like Coronation Street. Lady hasn't got two halfpennys to rub together.

The TV man has delivered her a 2nd hand telly but on seeing the 2 pin socket he,s cut the plug off and said she must have a 13A socket .

So we start work . Next thing she,s cooked us egg and chips, bread and butter and tea.

Our office was charging her for one socket , probably about

Hi Bob,

All you can do is to give your honest opinion... There are some funny people out there, but not many.. Not saying for one second that the bloke with the pub lights is "funny", he is an intelligent, albeit aggrieved chap. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, just give yours, agree to disagree, and walk away. Remember, it is up to you to use your professional skills to sum up a job, and give a close estimate and get agreement BEFORE you start...

If you price a job without having a proper idea of what needs doing, then you can hardly blame the customer for being upset when the price goes up...

I think most people, if you are honest, and say "it could be up to


my experiences to a T almost.

some people are just grateful, others treat you like they stood on you in the street,

generally I find that folks that have money through NO work of their own are the worst pretentious pratts you will ever meet, people without money are generally glad and aware of how hard it is to get something,

you also have the other well heeled folks that have worked hard for their money, I done work for a self made millionaire[not electrical, in my 'other' love in life], and he couldnt have been a better bloke to work for,

lent me his van on occasion, Ive stayed at his house(my house at the time woulda fitted into his kitchen!), paid for me to stay at 5 star hotels with a bar tab, bought me hundreds of pound christmas presents,

this guy knew I had not a lot of worldly goods at the time, but similarly, he didnt patronise me, he simply remembered where he had came from.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 19:43 ---------- Previous post was made at 19:41 ----------

Bah ! Customers !!! Who needs 'em !!! :C Bob it 'aint just customers , you can include builders and all sorts in that.

The world is full of nice people and then some a$$hole comes along to spoil it for you .

I find a lot of well orf people are a PITA . They seem to think that being more properous than you gives them the right to browbeat you and in a couple of cases , you find the IEE Regs do not apply to them !!

I think I told this on here before but here it is again. Many years back , working for a B,ham contractor, me and apprenti; are sent to a really posh area in Solihull to do a minor job in garage . The woman is obnoxious, tells us to move the van off the drive , I want no mess or noise , I want you gone in an hour . (Obviously no cuppa then !!!) "How much is this going to cost us " she demands. " Phone the office " I say. "I will , you can stop work until I've spoken to them . Basically thinks she can treat you like $heet .

By midday we go an old dear's terrace house in run down area of B,ham .Like Coronation Street. Lady hasn't got two halfpennys to rub together.

The TV man has delivered her a 2nd hand telly but on seeing the 2 pin socket he,s cut the plug off and said she must have a 13A socket .

So we start work . Next thing she,s cooked us egg and chips, bread and butter and tea.

Our office was charging her for one socket , probably about
tbh the vast majority of folks ive met have been just fine, youll get the occasional bad apple in any walk of life, dont let it spoil your judgement, just take it as a learning experience.

And I have to agree with the 2 esteemed and slightly pickled gentlemen above, the worst ones i have met have all been rather well off thru inherited moneys. the ones who have had to work forrit seem fine, but thats just a generalisation o'course

Most are ok, some are a right pain,

When times get tricky I usually say something along the lines of, 'when your house burns to the ground I'll be the one going to prison' so no I can't do this/that/the other.

You should try " I'm here to stop your house from burning down, but if you'd rather you can get the guy with the spurs, he'll assure you it's safe as it burns down"

I dont drink tea!
I consider that to be a fricking bonus! least he will only 'service you' once! I think that once will be one time too many anyway.

'Hello, I am Jurgen, can I haf a coop ov tea? Afterwards I will shervishh you'...sounds like those early 80s Educational Videos that I have heard about............................ :run

You try to get on with everybody but ones that don't make me a cup of tea only get serviced once.
"Getting serviced" meant something different where I came from. The old lounge carpet, anyone? (as quoted recently, but I forget by whom). :D
