OK Lets have 'em , Pet Hates.

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Wonder what the most common pet hates are, here,s a few of mine to start off the Grumpies.

Litter . The English are world champions at it.

Drivers using the mobile . And worse, that idiot who was texting while driving.

Those helmets cyclists wear. I know they are for safety but do they look stoopid or what.

In Brum there are a lot of smart ***** who think they can drive on the buses only lanes in the rush hour. X(

Rapping and that stupid finger pointing business they do . WTF,s all that about ?

Pratt's who stay in the middle lane or outside lane of the Motorway,

when they could easily move over to the left and still stay at the same speed!X(X( X(

Pratt's who stay in the middle lane or outside lane of the Motorway,when they could easily move over to the left and still stay at the same speed!X(X( X(
Idiots who come up behind you flashing there lights when you are doing 80 in the fast lane.


Drivers who do not use their indicators. The rest of us (motorists and pedestrians) are NOT psychic.

SPITTING (and the throad-clearing that sometimes precedes it). Yuk, horrible, vile, uncouth, uncivilised, disgusting. Do spitters do it at home?

Loud personal stereos (that are not so personal). Usually accompanied by the already disliked "rap" music. I wish I could build a hand-held device that could emit a burst of high-energy radio frequency energy that could kill a Walkman at a range of 1 metre.... problem is it would probably also do no-good to any nearby pacemaker.

Cyclists who think that red lights and pedestrian crossings do not apply to them.

Cyclists who ride on the pavement. (Possibly because they are too ***t-scared to use the road....... in which case they should not be cycling in public places.

The obsession of successive UK governments to pour vast amounts of aid into 3rd world countries (read this as numbered Swiss bank accounts of dictators). Sort-out the local UK problems first, then go and sort out the 3rd world.

Incompetence and ineptitude at any level, but especially in people who have accepted appointments beyond their abilities.

people who use 'magic indicators'

they can be anywhere, side roads, minor roads, motorways but once they turn on the magic golden indicator they can go anywhere they wish on the road without looking in the mirror, over their shoulder or even around them because they know they are safe 'because they had their indicator on'.....

people who join a duel carraigeway from a slip road who think it is their right of way and that you should move over to let them out

even when you have nowhere to go !!!!

driving behind a car at night that has a sat nav on the dash board so bright that you can read it from your vehicle

and how is that less of a distraction than a mobile phone ????? X(

i thought you were not allowed to have anything obstructing visibilty out of the front windscreen and where some people have thewm how are they going to see the kiddie walking out between 2 parked cars...

X(X(X( X(

sat navs..........get a map !!!!!!

Badger, I agree with you! The flipside is places like Hebden Bridge where the town centre speed limit is 20.... but many drivers seem to prefer going at about 50.

Carrying on with sat-navs, the blind faith in these things does bring out the bone-heads. Example: Different sat-navs will give different routes to where my business is based. Some work well, others send folk up a narrow country road ending in a field about 400 metres from me! The best bit is that when I have a visitor, I warn them about the unreliability of sat-nav and e-mail a map with directions, or give verbal instructions. Do they all take note? Not enough!

Other pet hates.....

Drivers who have no understanding of the use of the beam/dip switch for the headlights.

Pedestrians who just walk out into the road, assuming that drivers have the ability to stop instantly.

Women with prams who use the pram as a right-of-way device when wanting to cross a road (common in London) - push the pram into the stream of traffic and assume everyone will stop.

Pedestrians who just STOP in the middle of the pavement. (I would love to see them driving. On second thougts, maybe not).

People who clamour too closely in a queue (a great time to drop a silent fart!)

Blokes who p155 in the sink when the urinals and cubicles are all occupied. I have seen this in a bog in Sowerby Bridge that is shared between a restaurant and a pub.

Blokes (or women) who don't wash their hands after going to the bog........

Scenario 1: They then return to the bar and dig through the bar snacks to choose a tasty snack!

Scenario 2: They are then introduced to the mother/wife/son/daughter of a friend and shake the victim's hand. The victim handles food and then eats it.

Coughing or sneezing without covering the mouth (this has always been a pet-hate - it's nothing to do with recent swine-flu advice).

Drivers who push-in without indicating their intention..... and then don't acknowledge the person who let them in.

Blokes who p155 in the sink when the urinals and cubicles are all occupied. I have seen this in a bog in Sowerby Bridge that is shared between a restaurant and a pub.
I have only ever seen women do this, in the blokes toilets too :eek: , cos the womens queue was too long.

Blokes (or women) who don't wash their hands after going to the bog........Scenario 1: They then return to the bar and dig through the bar snacks to choose a tasty snack!

Scenario 2: They are then introduced to the mother/wife/son/daughter of a friend and shake the victim's hand. The victim handles food and then eats it.
Maybe they don't want to wash their hands in the "P155 sink"? Besides, I was always taught not to p155 on my hands :p .


Agree with above.

I hate motorists who have either been caught speeding by camera (hand held) or pulled over by the police and then go off on one saying "they should do something better with their time, such as catching crooks".

Praise the Police. Get tough on speeding!

immigrants stealing our jobsX(
But they aren't stealing our jobs mate. It is the lazy B*stards of Today - who will not work.

People who have long, loud conversations on their mobiles in public places, especially trains & restaurants. Train passengers who encroach on your space with their laptops & paperwork. Air passengers who use both armrests.

How's that for starters?

politicians who have a big campaign to catch benefit cheat when they are cheating their benefit system

1.Religion (All forms)



4.Namby pamby sentencing of criminals


6.Kids who wear their trousers areound the bottom of their bottom (whats all that about?)

7.Winkers who never pay their bills on time

8.Politicians (bunch of ar$$e$)


10.Nulcear weapons (whats wrong with fisticuffs?)

I could go on, but I'd be here all day. : O)

Carp service in shops.

People in Post Offices who hold up the queue by withdrawing their pension/benefits in cash & then using it to pay all their bills over the counter. Have they never heard of banks, standing orders, direct debits & the internet?

People who hold up queues by buying lottery tickets which are incorrectly filled in & asking to check last week's tickets in case they've won.

Agree with above.I hate motorists who have either been caught speeding by camera (hand held) or pulled over by the police and then go off on one saying "they should do something better with their time, such as catching crooks".

Praise the Police. Get tough on speeding!
but thats the problem. they only target people going over a set limit, which is not usually appororiate for conditions. they should be targeting excessive speed which does cause accidents
