As you say - all needs investigation - but the Zs at the sites were so low it may well be PME. Questions are:- how long ago was it set up, was it done correctly, how many supplies come in, are they all the same, why are some pitches TT - others not and importantly how much money is available to investigate (bottom line - maybe!)!!!!ADS, I don't think i said anything about caravans in my previous post concerning EZ, in fact i pointed out i have no experience of static caravan sites!!!!.. I only really know that caravans are normally fed from a plug and socket arrangement, not sure if that also goes for these big static caravans??
I was merely pointing out what many forget or are unaware of with regards to, the so-called exporting of an earthing system via a sub-main cable....
But that being said, your mentioning a TT system here now, and the OP has said nothing about these caravans being provided with a TT system. If you have experience of these static type caravan parks, then i'm sure your right in what you are saying.
What intrigues me is, that i would have thought that the local authorities, and the DNO company for this area would have been involved in the set-up of this site, .....So how come there are no TT Rods at each of these hard standings?? Come to that, are we sure here that the incoming supply is indeed PME?? ...It just maybe TN-S!! If this site is anything like the size of some of these Static sites, that also cater for tourist caravans and have Social blocks, shops and other amenities, it maybe being supplied from it's own Distribution Transformer. So many unanswered and therefore unknown numerable,s here !!! :C
Lots to take in! I'll report back when we find out more.