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TBH - I was furiously googleing too see if I could have found one of your lecturers names, but alas not. I might not be a real Vet. You might not be a real Andy. Deke might not be a real transvestite. We appreciate these things are unlikely, but it's all possible with the anonymity of the internet.

So very very true , which is a real shame if you cannot be the real you with the anonymity of the net what chance do you have in the real world ?

Let it not be forgotten that I, .. Deke...AKA Sandra...AKA Derek ...AKA Evans Electric...AKA creator of Brian, am the Thread Starter of the mightyist thread in the history of the Forum and I reckon I should receive some sort of recognition, there should be a medal , I mean , I'm not one to blow my own trumpet ,but ...........

So very very true , which is a real shame if you cannot be the real you with the anonymity of the net what chance do you have in the real world ?
We all have a context driven persona. I post differently on here than on a vet forum I am a member of. I'm serious over there [mostly] - really! I act differently eating with my gf, versus eating with my grandparents. If you get my point?

We all have a context driven persona. I post differently on here than on a vet forum I am a member of. I'm serious over there [mostly] - really! I act differently eating with my gf, versus eating with my grandparents. If you get my point?
:red card another forum .................. how dare you ............

Let it not be forgotten that I, .. Deke...AKA Sandra...AKA Derek ...AKA Evans Electric...AKA creator of Brian, am the Thread Starter of the mightyist thread in the history of the Forum and I reckon I should receive some sort of recognition, there should be a medal , I mean , I'm not one to blow my own trumpet ,but ...........
The forum 'blow your own trumpet' award goes to.............


