pulled over because driving vans at night is suspicious...

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2011
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minding my own business sat at some lights in my little berlingo the other night around 9pm ish, with my windows down as the heater doesent work to de mist the windows, after a visit to the mothers house for a spot of tea, when a police car pulls up along side me beeps his horn and shouts get out.... so i did as he said, expecting to be told i had a break light out... nope, he walks over to me asks me to empty my pockets, when i ask why he just repeats it, so i do it, having got my half eaten mars bar and my crusty remains of a wallet out of my pockets on to my bonet, he then asks me to open my back doors, he has a look, then he asks have i been drinking, to which a reply no. he then proceeds to breathalyse me, which i pass (obviously being a responsible driver). he then after some persuasion tells me the reason he stopped me is because i drive a van, which is "dodgy" at night time...riiiiigggghttt, oh and the windows where down which is also dodgy.....apparently. the van being my own which i use for personal use too.... he then without another word, no bye no cya later, gets in his car and (forgive my language) f*&ks off!!!

discrimination against the van driver???

my van by the way is clean and very respectably looking, as was my driving that night. X(

That will be Admins forum upgrade transmitting all van members whereabouts to the police for spot checks! In all seriousness I can understand some of what they say, vans at night and all, but to not even apologies for causing you inconvenience or to thank you for being co operative and helpful is the height of bad manners.

Doc H.

minding my own business sat at some lights in my little berlingo the other night around 9pm ish, with my windows down as the heater doesent work to de mist the windows, after a visit to the mothers house for a spot of tea, when a police car pulls up along side me beeps his horn and shouts get out.... so i did as he said, expecting to be told i had a break light out... nope, he walks over to me asks me to empty my pockets, when i ask why he just repeats it, so i do it, having got my half eaten mars bar and my crusty remains of a wallet out of my pockets on to my bonet, he then asks me to open my back doors, he has a look, then he asks have i been drinking, to which a reply no. he then proceeds to breathalyse me, which i pass (obviously being a responsible driver). he then after some persuasion tells me the reason he stopped me is because i drive a van, which is "dodgy" at night time...riiiiigggghttt, oh and the windows where down which is also dodgy.....apparently. the van being my own which i use for personal use too.... he then without another word, no bye no cya later, gets in his car and (forgive my language) f*&ks off!!!discrimination against the van driver???

my van by the way is clean and very respectably looking, as was my driving that night. X(
Own up....

You were wearing a blonde wig red lipstick and Deke's stockings and high heels..

so you did look a bit suspicious???

I would report him

not professional at all

had an off duty policeman come to my door a while back accusing my lad of getting his son in a head lock

the guy was wearing only his jacket with Police on it and it to intimidate my good lady

reported it,,,got a return call from the complaints people

and he was dealt with.......

but there is always one bad apple in a bunch

Yes; I was pulled for a brake light...the guy was very professional

Said..."Have watched your driving...you are fine...its the other guy

behind I might worry about.

Please check your lights lads, keep spares.

i was pulled over earlier in the year for having a mobile phone inmy hand doing 5mph

got a ticket thought that was that then another officer came over and told me i had 2 brake lights out.....can you get them sorted please !!1

nice guy !!!!

It's these sort of incidents that get the Police a bad name.

It reminds me of way back in the 1980's when I hadn't been driving long. I had an amateur radio aerial on my car (driving and using a microphone was not illegal back then)

I lost count of how many times I was pulled over to be told "you know CB radio is illegal don't you"

What got my goat, is after informing them it was not CB, but a perfectly legal amateur radio set, for which I had a licence, instead of thanking me and going away, they always proceeded to check the car thoroughly, check the tyres and then ask for my documents.

I did try reporting one once for his heavy handed attitude, but it got nowhere.

I'm doing a lot of late work at the moment, did'nt get home till midnight last night. The police have'nt stopped me yet but then again, I'm in a rural area, not so many police about......

I'm doing a lot of late work at the moment, did'nt get home till midnight last night. The police have'nt stopped me yet but then again, I'm in a rural area, not so many police about......
i also think it depends on how well know your police force for example a few weeks ago my head light(dipped) went out on the car so went to work as normal and called round the car spares place after work. to get a new lamp. to fit at home that evening on the driveway. now while driving home i came to a stop at an island and a police car went past me they turned around and asked me to pull over. i gets out and i reckognised the chap straight away. turns out we had met before thru a crime in a carpark involving a drunk driver which i told the police about and all he said was did you know your lamp on the drivers side was out. i just said yes thanks ive already been and got a new lamp and was on my way home to change it in the lights ie driveway lighting. as its not an easy lamp to get to. but the police are actually quite sound with me but then again i do provide quite a bit of cctv footage for them in crime cases ;) nd also when i see them round the town centre always stand for a couple of minutes and have a chat. so its not always what you know its who you know.

By the by, I can only apologise for my terrible English due to huge fingers mixing with crap iPhone keys!

CCTV footage for them Badge? From where?? Not your home CCTV?

Must be a rough area if you do and I can now understand why you have so many. :slap

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Dont think I've ever encountered a polite policemen. Bullied schoolkids on power trips....

remember ACAB & you won't go wrong,

he is entitled to stop you, unless you've comitted a road traffic offence, appear pished or its suspected you've had a prang then he has a right to request a breathtest.

You waived your rights by consenting to a breath test, allowing a basic search of you & your van & assume providing your details.

Be polite but tell 'em nowt
