RCBO needed or not???

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Else as long as it is 32A or greater then you can treat as a sub main dist. cct and supply accordingly.
Why are you saying it has to be 32A+?

It was late! No copy of BrB etc. to hand.

IIRC then there is a cut off at 32A for a change in disconnection times etc.?


It was late! No copy of BrB etc. to hand.IIRC then there is a cut off at 32A for a change in disconnection times etc.?

Isn't that only for portable equipment and not distribution circuits?

TT is no different to any other system although you will need a TD Rcd to protect cable to submain board because if there is phase to earth fault its not going to trip out in time possibly. As long as no cables are buried less than 50mm in walls a 100mA TD Rcd will be fine.
