Red & Black / Red&Yellow&Blue

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

This cable cannot be used anymore can it?

Been offered a load of cable but all old colours.... take it its no good?


Well I still use it, not throwing it all away. It's not as if red and black is now suddenly unsafe or no longer exists. Up to you really, doubt I would buy any more, probably not got much left, maybe the odd part drum of SWA in old colours now.

If you want to comply with Chapter 514 & Appendix 7 of BS7671....

then probably no... especially on new additions & alterations..

I suppose it could be argued on a like-4-like cable fault repair of an existing installation, keeping old colours constant through the installation is no less safe than changing colours at two points along a run? :innocent

It could also be argued that you are being more environmentally considerate using up old cable..... :pray

But as 31 March 2006 was the official cutoff date for still installing old colours..

It could also be argued that the cable is old and may have been damaged lying around somewhere? :|

However an existing installation can have older cables already fitted that are still safe!

Bottom line is officially it would not comply!

personally I would not recommend anybody does install any...

But if you were going to..

you may want to thoroughly test the cable before it is installed to check it isn't nicked, squashed, damaged etc..


Somebody, somewhere said you can't use it anymore , I think its a hanging offence ! So if you have some you must'nt use it , you must throw it away. Yeah right !! ;)
You told us the electric police had marksmen on the top of all tall buildings in Birmingham, with helicopters read to take off, utilizing all of the CCTV cameras and Google street views, the minute a bit of Red-Black is exposed to daylight they do an immediate swamp of the area...

Before you could scratch your Bum they would have you down the law Courts, prosecuted fined, banged up for three months, then out to do 1000hours community service to dig out new tram lines from Snow Hill to New Street!

Honest Admin......

Deke did say that.... :innocent

Or was it Brian doing his Deke telephone voice impersonations again?

I only look like Deke, I don't sound like him!


[img] I don't look like that I ...???

Oh ****** Ive forgotten how to conjour up Brian !!!


Ooooh 'ere ee is !!!

i'd use it if i had it but i don't think i'd buy any, tbh who would know if it was on an alteration?

I'm still using some old coloured swa (down to the last 15 mtrs), I just use harmonised sleeving at terminations.

The last 100mtr roll (with plastic wrapper still on) of 2.5mm T/E I had (spindle all rusted & card sides about to fall off) sold for

WTF? I still don;t get this, surely it gets to the point it costs more to buy old colours and old kit than it would to just notify the job or get someone competent to do it. Also, you could buy new colours long before part p came in anyway.
I know Lurch mate, but me & my cousin were beer'd up one night so thought we'd go through the garage/workshop & see what carp we could sell...more to the point what carp peep's would buy. The cable was only on a matter of mins & we had 3 bids upto


Right thats it for me tonight I'm off up the wooden hill to bedfordshire.

Night all

I'd still use the old colours if I had any . After all anything that was installed would be tested so safety wouldn't be compromised . :)

I'm still using some old coloured swa (down to the last 15 mtrs), I just use harmonised sleeving at terminations.
Why use sleeving when they are still valid colours?

Not compliant with BS7671 now unless you sleeve brown/blue at the terminations, but then I'm far from being one of those people who regards BS7671 as the be-all and end-all of electrical installations.

It seems rather sensible to me to maintain the existing colors when making a small addition or alteration to existing system.
