Remote Switching Of 12-Gang Light Switch Panel

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Dec 22, 2015
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Is it possible to fit a wireless remote switching capability to an existing 12-gang light switch panel (only 1-way switching I believe). This is for my local village parish church where the main light switch panel is in the vestry, but it would be useful to also have switching capability at the other end of the building, inside the main nave door. If it means replacing the current switch panel, so be it, but need to avoid having to rewire the place or run a cable the entire length of the church. Is there solution out there?

You could replace all the modules with wireless switch modules and then use slave units to control them but this would soon add up with 12 master modules and 12 slave modules and the labour.

What you could do is add a last man out switch, which could be wireless if it had to be. This one switch could then switch contactor(s) as required to switch off the feeds to the 12 gang switch.

I see Maplin have an apparent sale on of Lightwave products. Not sure if anything there that might assist the OP.
