Save British Steel petition

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The estimate @ Port Talbot is 5 jobs outside for 1 in.

So if that is the same across the country, then 15,000 internal, plus 75,000 external, 90,000 people on the dole, all of whom were earning a reasonable wage, the burden on society will be huge!

But the EU won't allow it to be nationalised. Better vote OUT in June then.

I know there's an argument against subsidising it as a nationalised industry, but it's better to subsidise it to keep the jobs and keep the facility open than spend the money paying long term dole as it will be long term unemployment.

How much would it cost to nationalise it and subsidise it to save those jobs?

Remind me how much it cost to bale out and nationalise part of the banking industry, and how many jobs that bail out actually saved? and why it was possible and "okay" to do that but there's reluctance to save REAL jobs.


Pettition signed. It's already very close to the 100K signatures needed to get it debated.

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It's a disgrace and the politicians should be ashamed of themselves. 

Get out of the poxy EU with immediate effect. I bet the Chinese government are laughing their socks off and encouraging the EU to remain together. 


& I have changed my mind ..............................will also be voting out of EU

The trouble with things like the steel industry is they are dirty noisy businesses and are staffed by common people who didn't attend public school or university and are therefore considered as scum by the likes of Camoron and his ilk.I served my time in a steel works,we didn't produce the stuff,we made things with it,so I guess you could say I'm one of those horrible commoners that this government seem to like persecuting,I was born and bred in a town that produced some very important things,not only for the UK but for the world.We had BICC who made cables,we had 2 factories that produced trains and we had Pilkingtons who produced glass,Now we only have a small part of pilkingtons left and we're barely holding on to that,it's vile and disgusting that politicians have been allowed to run this once great country into the ground.

done it this morning. and reposted on Facebook

Now 90,000 supported jobs at say an average of £20k per annum = £1.8 billion, a lot more than the £1 million a day loss. We bailed out bankers, so why not steel workers. Personally I think they should ban dumped Chinese steel (but they won't do that due to HInckley Point and HS2 deals) - it's what the EU is suppossed to be for. They did it with solar panels. I also think they should turn up production to max and dump steel back on the market at cost - see if we can't knock out some competitors ourselves

Done, Sadly this is not going to make a difference. The decision has already been made. Cameron has already stated that nationalising it is not in his plans. Everyone told the government of the time that paying benefits long term and the associated social impact would cost much more than keeping all the mines and steelworks open. This has been shown to be true.....but still every government of every colour have watched from the sidelines as all our heavy industry has all but disappeared. You do wonder how a business gets to a stage of loosing a million pounds per day.

See an interview with Vince Cable last night where it was mentioned that the Eu decided to impose tarriffs on this chinese steel.  Apparently the Uk government used it's veto against the higher tier tariff being imposed and would only agree to the lower tier tariff. One wonders just who's interest the Uk government takes its decisions based on, as it often seems to not be the Uk's people. They also showed ebbervale on the same program last night, This is vaunted as a town that has had investment and inncentives as well as much retraining ect, The result ? Insecure job's of a much less skill and value, and listening to the people they were much happier with secure jobs even if their surroundings were bleak industrial landscape....a lot of people have moved away and there is also a fair amount of unemployment. 

The facts are the British government is in the pocket of the EU but in the hand of the Chinese within the pocket. 

They think they are getting wealthy economy with all this bull but when it comes back to bite them it will be us that yet again suffers, isn't it about time we the people revolted against all this governance and started to take back some control of our lives and our country, the truth is they don't really legally have any control, they just make us believe that they do. 

he who has the money has the most control, funny how the poor 9and all but the wealthy) are getting poorer.......capitalist economy at work?

This government will shaft the steel workers rather than upset the Chinese and lose the money they need for 2 stupid projects. It also has to be said China is a good market for our goods, not sure what the balance of payments difference is?

I will not be two faced and sign this petition. Yes it is for the right reasons and this whole saga is awful. However; I have never taken an interest if the products I buy support British steel. We are all to blame here. Not the government. If I want to support my local shop, guess what?  I shop there instead of a major supermarket. The British people need to take a good hard look at themselves and ask themselves whether they are doing what they can to support British industry across all sectors. 

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The green policies of this country have a lot to do with the demise of heavy industry.

Expensive fuels bought about by short sighted planning and unrealistic environmental controls.

Iron making requires carbon in the form of coke. The UK has no coke ovens now but guess who does, the French, the Spanish and the Germans. They just stuck two fingers up to the EU and carried on regardless. To make coke you need bituminous coal, something else we don’t have now. If we did make coke the green lobby would have the manufacturing hamstrung. A by-product is CO, feed that in to turbines or boilers and you have electricity.

A large steel plant should be self sustaining for power or even a bulk exporter but it needs capital project investment.

I think it is important that we retain heavy industry and manufacturing industry.

It's all very well saying we can just buy it all from China cheaper, so what do we all do for a living instead then?

And heaven forbid should we find ourelves at war again, and the country under seige and blockaded, well it's okay, we will just buy the steel from China to make the tanks and weapons with. Can anyone see a flaw in that?

Remember if this plant is allowed to close and be dismantled, nobody is ever likely to put in the enormous investment in the future to build new blast furnaces and rolling lines are they? It will be gone for good.

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