Save British Steel petition

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I think it is important that we retain heavy industry and manufacturing industry.

It's all very well saying we can just buy it all from China cheaper, so what do we all do for a living instead then?

And heaven forbid should we find ourelves at war again, and the country under seige and blockaded, well it's okay, we will just buy the steel from China to make the tanks and weapons with. Can anyone see a flaw in that?

Remember if this plant is allowed to close and be dismantled, nobody is ever likely to put in the enormous investment in the future to build new blast furnaces and rolling lines are they? It will be gone for good.

I am absolutely not saying we should not have these plants in the UK. Of course we should. But if we actually stood up as a population and said "I am not going to purchase that car as it is built using imported steel" and instead looked at what countries the things we buy actually support then by default we would be protecting the future of these industries. But clearly we do not or these places are closing down. Instead of signing e-petitions which does nothing we should be supporting UK industry with out purchasing power. 

courgette the tory p******. Huge "U" turns after TWO budgets were not in their plans either, but look what happened with that....

Don't just blame the tories, mist of the time they are just trying to clear up the mess that labour left behind,

a bit like the council cleaning up after the pikeys have defecated everywhere,

My questions would be,

1: Why can we NOT nationalise the steelworks,? nobody wanted the banks nationalised but they were, after they had commuted fraudulent acts,?

2: where will we get the steel to build our ships and tanks once China declares war on the world,?

I've got a few more 

Don't just blame the tories, mist of the time they are just trying to clear up the mess that labour left behind,

a bit like the council cleaning up after the pikeys have defecated everywhere,

My questions would be,

1: Why can we NOT nationalise the steelworks,? nobody wanted the banks nationalised but they were, after they had commuted fraudulent acts,?

2: where will we get the steel to build our ships and tanks once China declares war on the world,?

I've got a few more 
We keep being told "EU rules" won't allow that.

Well you know how to vote un June then.

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If the EU won't allow state aid they best make plans for the closure of all the EU steel plants.....

The EU needs to slap on 266% duties AND force the USA to agree to let the Chinese Yen to float properly on the money markets.

As it stands they have lower costs AND the advantage of an artificially low exchange rate making their exports cheaper.

The developed world is f***** if you ask me!

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I truly hope that something can be done for Port Talbot & the Britsh Steel industry in general  ...I too have worked within it at Llanwern , in The Rhondda , in the Midlands ............  but I fear the worst TBH ...even though the load that the social system will have to  bear is frightening.   

The USA have a large levy imposed on imported Chinese steel  ...can we go that way?.

None of the preceeding closures were supported .

I've said before that the amount of heavy  & light industry that dissapeared from this region too massive to list and what I don't understand is we are told we still need imigrants coming in , bringing their so called skills with them !!!    Where the hell do they all go to earn a living ...there is nowhere !!  

Rover Cars supported thousands of folk ..........gone in an instant chance of any bail out ...infrastructure the size of a small town gone , flattened into a virtually empty car park  .  

If South Wales Steel industry dissapears ( I pray that it survives)  are we to be told that we still need uncontrolled immigration ?  

Stand by for the next recession ,  the country already lives from week to week ...( Observe the continuing cut-backs at local level across the country ...every council looking for cut-backs in services to save even more cash)  .

The world cannot sustain the over population of countries like China , India etc  as they launch into their own industrial revolutions , their cheap labour destoying already developed countries . 

Massive Fasteners factory by me ,  after 90 yrs gone to Germany , all buildings and infrastructure gone , flattened , jobs gone ,skills gone,  they can't all be shelf stacking in Tesco .   And as we welcome more & more of our "friends" from Asia and Eastern Europe to the city , they can all go and work at Tucker Fasteners ................Oh no !   Hang on !  As I just said,  Its been flattened .  Car wash anyone ? 

The thing with the bankers , I'm afraid , could not be ignored .     Imagine by the end of the week ....  all the major banks collapsed.... all those uncashed cheques ....... cash  machines switched off...... business accounts inaccessible .....wages not paid ..... bills not paid ...debts not paid ....... collapse of monetary system in the UK   ............  foreign owned companies  fleeing the sinking ship  .............was never gonna happen , believe me .  Think aout it . 

It seems total madness to not do anything, are we in too deep with the Chinese? bent politician way!

Your also probably right about the next financial meltdown not being that far off either I just hope I can get out of London before this happens as I can't afford to live here anymore, maybe I could go to China, Poland or Afghanistan? 

I really don't understand how we would survive on make belive money and Tesco express's?  We're on a knife edge and we can't see it because the media is pointing us in another direction.

Scary times ahead.


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Just signed.

I'm with Steps , NozSpark etc. Interesting to note my MP is Secretary of State for Defense. I've seen some pictures of late in my own sphere of work of the failure of I believe Chinese steel on gear teeth. Prior to that they used steel from Australia and there had never been as issue. Apparently they got the heat treatment WRONG! And we're not talking massive rpm either!

A few years back it was Indian aluminium extrusions de-laminating!

I read a while back the theory that Putin & Assad using immigration as a weapon of war, encouraging mass migration here to destabilise our very culture.

No different with the Chinese. Already heavily entwined in our telecoms infrastructure. The US and Australia I believe won't allow certain makes of router onto their networks. Yet here we brand them BRITISH Telecom.

These countries think long term, our lot panic and make snap decisions.

I'm afraid if you buy cut price BG kit you're just supporting the Chinese economy. One of the reasons I steer clear. Of course I'm sure I buy other stuff made there but I try not to. Seriously, HTF is it allowed that the word BRITISH is allowed to be used like this???

As the "public" we'll always be tempted by the cheaper deal. It's really up to governments to impose trade tariffs on imports and encourage, promote UK industry. I wonder where it'll end.

So conceivably someone could:

- lose their job due to cheap Chinese imports

- be unable to pay their leccy bill to a Chinese owned power company

- then lose their house, to a Chinese bank 

- their comms could all be turned off at the touch of a button of course

- their son / daughter is in a tank / on a ship made from Chinese steel. I'm sure they could mess with the metallurgy to render it less effective against THEIR weapons. Made easier if the ship board comms could be compromised.

If China owned the freehold on the power station and house would they in effect own part of the UK?


Don't just blame the tories, mist of the time they are just trying to clear up the mess that labour left behind,

a bit like the council cleaning up after the pikeys have defecated everywhere,

My questions would be,

1: Why can we NOT nationalise the steelworks,? nobody wanted the banks nationalised but they were, after they had commuted fraudulent acts,?

2: where will we get the steel to build our ships and tanks once China declares war on the world,?

I've got a few more 
It has been 6 years since labour had anything to do with anything. It is 8 years since the Worldwide recession that labour apparently caused.....interestingly the conservatives at the time said they would match labour spending £ for £. Osbourne has missed every target he has ever set. The deficit has increased hugely under the last 2 tory led austerity driven governments. Finally back a little bit closer to the topic - The Uk conservative government has led a small band of countries that have actively blocked higher tariffs on chinese steel imports to the EU and china have responded by imposing even higher tariffs on EU steel. The Chinese must be p****** themselves at our impotent politicians response. 

So please give us all a rest about what labour did/didn't do unless we are talking about history. Im sure those poor steel workers of the uk could do well without the political posturing and games that others see as fun. 

As an aside I think Essex has a point but personally I can claim moral high ground because I actually DO try to buy British if possible. Always have done since I was old enough to buy my own major items. Local shops, local produce ect ect ect. It is something I have believed in for years. 

Free market capitalism that allows the wholesale trashing of UK business is very much a Tory policy Steps, always has been since the days of Thatcher (not that Blair did anything about it), so I will be very surprised if the current government actually does anything very useful. Interview skills course anyone????

Thatcher lead by conviction, easy-in / easy-out type business environment, and opened up the UK to all and sundry. Unfortunately no-one else has quite gone as far, so we have ended up with French and German (lots of other nations) and now Chinese owned companies owning our country, S'funny how the Germans, French, every other major government in the world hasn't allowed this to happen to them.

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we are the leaders of global capitalism and we're leading the way in selling everything including what's nailed down to anyone who has money and enjoys a round of golf.


before its too late...

and they sell the white cliffs of Dover!

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